Biden sets to work on reversing bad/Trump/R executive orders with good/Biden/D executive orders - Day One: 15 orders
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A. Filip
2021-01-21 09:18:42 UTC
Biden sets to work on reversing Trump policies with executive orders
: Published 2 hours ago
[Photo: President Biden quickly signed executive actions on
coronavirus, climate change and racial inequality ]
US President Joe Biden has begun to undo some of Donald Trump's key
policies, *hours* after being sworn in.
In his initial acts as the 46th US president, he signed 15 executive
orders - the first to boost the federal response to the coronavirus
Other orders reversed the Trump administration's stance on climate
change and immigration. […]
Coronavirus has no chance with Biden (D) vaccine! ;-)
A. Filip : Big Tech Brother is watching you.
| Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a
| bad example. (La Rochefoucauld)
KKKernal Corn
2021-01-21 14:10:47 UTC
Post by A. Filip
Biden sets to work on reversing Trump policies with executive orders
: Published 2 hours ago
[Photo: President Biden quickly signed executive actions on
coronavirus, climate change and racial inequality ]
US President Joe Biden has begun to undo some of Donald Trump's key
policies, *hours* after being sworn in.
In his initial acts as the 46th US president, he signed 15 executive
orders - the first to boost the federal response to the coronavirus
Other orders reversed the Trump administration's stance on climate
change and immigration. […]
Coronavirus has no chance with Biden (D) vaccine! ;-)
The US military has no chance with delusional transbenders in its
