trump/boris johnson = arrogant idiots
(too old to reply)
2020-08-04 11:53:44 UTC
johnson has his own statistics his own warped database, constantly dismissed

but he's arrogant and an idiot

what places like eton are for, to farm out

johnson/trump development halted at age 12 when some teacher didn't slap the shit out of him

fixed world view
the stupid -- an idiot, arrogant

trump in his little interview, recently (pointless) -- let's see the president - the disease
let's see how mentally ill he is

why they keep johnson out of the press
no idea, uninformed, arrogant

trying to blame -- constant 'triumphalism'

we are stuck with this fat piece of shit for 3.8 years
2020-08-04 11:56:32 UTC
trump: 'stat governors'
johnson: 'car homes'
(their fault)

all everywhere else, for their byline skimming iliterate base

'the best'

based on nothing -- as starmer points out again and again

track and trace

march: "essential"
june: "non esssential" - it never was ('icing on the cake') .. funny isn't he

missing -- not there
essential -- they have no idea where the disease is
