UK's huge new 5bn pound tunnel finally finished but tourists will never be able to walk down it
(too old to reply)
Dick Pudding
2024-04-02 02:25:21 UTC
They let so many illegal aliens in that they overwhelmed the sewers.

The construction of a £5billion tunnel in London has been completed after
eight years - but you'll never be able to walk down it. Thames Tideway
Tunnel is a 25km-long super sewer designed to slash the level of sewage
pollution along a section of the River Thames through central London.

Tens of millions of tonnes of storm sewage spill into the river annually,
but once operational the super sewer should reduce spills entirely,
according to its backers.

The final piece of the tunnel - a 1,200 tonne concrete lid - was lifted
into place on top of a deep shaft at Abbey Mills Pumping Station in
Stratford, east London, on Wednesday (March 27).

Tideway has now built the full 15.5 miles (25km) main tunnel, a three mile
(4.5km) connection tunnel in south east London and a 1,100m tunnel in
south west London.

The company's Chief Exec Andy Mitchell said in a statement : "This is the
moment we've all been waiting for. The underground civil engineering on
the Tideway project is now complete following eight years of dedicated
hard work from all our teams working in the capital.

"There is still work to do - we need to finish some above-ground
structures and, crucially, test the system - but this nonetheless marks an
absolutely critical milestone for the Tideway project and for London."

Tideway expects expect the sewer to be fully operational in 2025, after
testing of the tunnel system.

The Abbey Mills shaft is the deepest of the project at 70m and is the
point where the super sewer meets up with the Lee Tunnel, completed in
2024-04-02 04:48:22 UTC
Dick Pudding the obnoxious troll defected all across Usenet
They let so many illegal aliens in that they overwhelmed the sewers...blah
Nothing to do with any sort of asylum seekers (who are fully legal under
UK-government accepted international laws), you brain-dead xenophobic

What clearly overwhelms cyber-sewers all over the planet is the amount
of hate filled mental-verbal excrement you and ilk produces day-in/day
out so nicely cross-posted across Usenet to newsgroups which could not
normally give a flying fuck about your deplorable existence.


*P L O N K*
Your scary shadow that says *Booo* in the dark
Siri Cruise
2024-04-02 05:20:09 UTC
Post by Dick Pudding
The construction of a £5billion tunnel in London has been completed after
eight years - but you'll never be able to walk down it. Thames Tideway
Tunnel is a 25km-long super sewer designed to slash the level of sewage
pollution along a section of the River Thames through central London.
I can't walk in a tunnel full of sewage? What is the world coming
to? No more Parliament breeding pools?
Post by Dick Pudding
Tens of millions of tonnes of storm sewage spill into the river annually,
but once operational the super sewer should reduce spills entirely,
according to its backers.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Our storm drains
dump rain water from streets into creeks as quickly as possible.
Sewers are completely different.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Phil Hendry's Chop shop
2024-04-09 22:34:12 UTC
On Mon, 1 Apr 2024 22:20:09 -0700
Post by Siri Cruise
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
More likely it's you not liking the communication you received.
