How I plan to heal Kate (and Charles)
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2024-03-23 00:26:12 UTC
One way that Kate will heal is that shortly, since they are currently
committed and have at least one child under 16, she and Will
will become optimally sexually compatible, and that will contribute
to healing effects and longer lifespans. Currently she is
straight-type-1-F and he is bim (male attracted to both genders,
not necessarily having sex with both genders) so they are
only partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less than
optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less likely
to be faithful). Shortly she will become straight-type-2-F
(woman compatible only with bims, like Dua Lipa and Kate Bush)
and they will then be optimally sexually compatible. That
should occur tonight.

Another way is that I have funnelled a huge amount of negative
magick, so that if the cancer of Kate and Charles (who is optimally
sexually compatible with Camilla) is due to negative magick,
it will be lifted and there will be a bounce on the spell casters
which they can work off by following their healing circle prescriptions.
That should also occur tonight.

A final way is that I am attempting to instigate sudden evolution
of all humans, cetaceans, and non-human simians globally,
including current adults. That will involve adjustment of DNA,
which should heal genetic diseases including cancer, but there
will also be a conversion of some cells to early stem cell state,
followed by transformation and healing (more so for minor
criminal and better, and for medium criminal and worse who
are following their healing circle prescription). And Kate
is neutral (on a global scale, as defined by Goddess, the
ruler of the region all/everything) in goodness, and Charles
is also neutral, so both will get the physical carrot and mental
health carrot (so the thin end of the Dagda’s club, rather than
the thick end, which is the stick). When should the sudden
physical evolution begin? I think no later than full moon,
which I relate to the Clamshell in the Haida creation legend
of The Raven and the First Men, which visitors to the
Museum of Anthropology at The University of British Columbia
in Vancouver would know about, from Bill Reid’s giant cedar
sculpture depicting it, that is housed there .
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-23 00:34:14 UTC
Post by David Dalton
One way that Kate will heal is that shortly, since they are currently
committed and have at least one child under 16, she and Will
will become optimally sexually compatible, and that will contribute
to healing effects and longer lifespans. Currently she is
straight-type-1-F and he is bim (male attracted to both genders,
not necessarily having sex with both genders) so they are
only partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less than
optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less likely
to be faithful). Shortly she will become straight-type-2-F
(woman compatible only with bims, like Dua Lipa and Kate Bush)
and they will then be optimally sexually compatible. That
should occur tonight.
Another way is that I have funnelled a huge amount of negative
magick, so that if the cancer of Kate and Charles (who is optimally
sexually compatible with Camilla) is due to negative magick,
it will be lifted and there will be a bounce on the spell casters
which they can work off by following their healing circle prescriptions.
That should also occur tonight.
A final way is that I am attempting to instigate sudden evolution
of all humans, cetaceans, and non-human simians globally,
including current adults. That will involve adjustment of DNA,
which should heal genetic diseases including cancer, but there
will also be a conversion of some cells to early stem cell state,
followed by transformation and healing (more so for minor
criminal and better, and for medium criminal and worse who
are following their healing circle prescription). And Kate
is neutral (on a global scale, as defined by Goddess, the
ruler of the region all/everything) in goodness, and Charles
is also neutral, so both will get the physical carrot and mental
health carrot (so the thin end of the Dagda’s club, rather than
the thick end, which is the stick). When should the sudden
physical evolution begin? I think no later than full moon,
which I relate to the Clamshell in the Haida creation legend
of The Raven and the First Men, which visitors to the
Museum of Anthropology at The University of British Columbia
in Vancouver would know about, from Bill Reid’s giant cedar
sculpture depicting it, that is housed there .
Isaiah 53:5 comes to mind.

In the interim, I am simply wonderfully hungry for food right now
(Luke 6:21a) and hope you, David, and others reading this also have a
healthy appetite for food right now too.

So how are you ?
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-23 00:38:10 UTC

(heal) 03/22/24 Again, behold in wide-eyed wonder ...

Citizen Trump;

It is widely reported that you need a lot of money because of your
multitude of legal woes.

I am willing to give you US$32 Billion Dollars to help you completely
overcome all your legal woes on just one condition:

*(1) You publicly confess with your mouth for all to witness via
livestream video (i.e. no AI) that:

"Jesus is LORD"

See my personal example at http://WDJW.net

(2) It is written that "no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the
Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:3).

(3) It is further written that "if you confess with your mouth that
'Jesus is LORD' ... you will be saved." (Romans 10:9).

(4) It has been proven via Scripture as exegesized at
https://AntiChrist45.com that you are the AntiChrist of the Great
Tribulation that is nigh at hand.

(5) There is reason to think that "born again" (John 3:3&5) Christians
would lose their salvation if they vote for the AntiChrist of the
Great Tribulation because they will spiritually receive the "mark of
the beast."

(6) Moreover, it is written that we are to prove all things, so you
should confess that "Jesus is LORD" if you can to prove you are
**not** the AntiChrist of the Great Tribulation unless you are.

(7) In the interim, I prove I have access to US$32 Billion Dollars (in
part from a sealed settlement with the State of Georgia related to my
eternal medical license) with the following Google link:


Shorter more shareable link:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis

P.S. DJT, you are reading this because I cross-posted this to USENET
groups frequented by your loyal followers who would do anything to
save you. This does mean that if they don't see you publicly confess
"Jesus is LORD" with your mouth by this weekend, then they'll also be
100% convinced that you are the AntiChrist of the Great Tribulation so
that you'd lose the evangelical Christian vote which you need to win
in November 2024.

P.P.S. Here's the archived USENET cross-post on 03/20/24 (tick tock):
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-23 00:51:46 UTC
On Fri, 22 Mar 2024 20:34:14 -0400, HeartDoc Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by David Dalton
One way that Kate will heal is that shortly, since they are currently
committed and have at least one child under 16, she and Will
will become optimally sexually compatible, and that will contribute
to healing effects and longer lifespans. Currently she is
straight-type-1-F and he is bim (male attracted to both genders,
not necessarily having sex with both genders) so they are
only partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less than
optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less likely
to be faithful). Shortly she will become straight-type-2-F
(woman compatible only with bims, like Dua Lipa and Kate Bush)
and they will then be optimally sexually compatible. That
should occur tonight.
Another way is that I have funnelled a huge amount of negative
magick, so that if the cancer of Kate and Charles (who is optimally
sexually compatible with Camilla) is due to negative magick,
it will be lifted and there will be a bounce on the spell casters
which they can work off by following their healing circle prescriptions.
That should also occur tonight.
A final way is that I am attempting to instigate sudden evolution
of all humans, cetaceans, and non-human simians globally,
including current adults. That will involve adjustment of DNA,
which should heal genetic diseases including cancer, but there
will also be a conversion of some cells to early stem cell state,
followed by transformation and healing (more so for minor
criminal and better, and for medium criminal and worse who
are following their healing circle prescription). And Kate
is neutral (on a global scale, as defined by Goddess, the
ruler of the region all/everything) in goodness, and Charles
is also neutral, so both will get the physical carrot and mental
health carrot (so the thin end of the Dagda’s club, rather than
the thick end, which is the stick). When should the sudden
physical evolution begin? I think no later than full moon,
which I relate to the Clamshell in the Haida creation legend
of The Raven and the First Men, which visitors to the
Museum of Anthropology at The University of British Columbia
in Vancouver would know about, from Bill Reid’s giant cedar
sculpture depicting it, that is housed there .
Isaiah 53:5 comes to mind.
In the interim, I am simply wonderfully hungry for food right now
(Luke 6:21a) and hope you, David, and others reading this also have a
healthy appetite for food right now too.
So how are you ?
(no reply for > 15 min)

Your not being able to reply appropriately over the past 15 min since
being greeted here means, David, you're #StatCOVID19Test **positive**
which indicates you're possibly infected w/#COVID (See
or https://tinyurl.com/StatCOVID19Test
for the science).
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-23 07:54:37 UTC
(heal) 03/23/24 Again behold ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-24 04:28:33 UTC
(heal) 03/24/24 Again behold ...


David Dalton
2024-03-23 06:37:24 UTC
Post by David Dalton
One way that Kate will heal is that shortly, since they are currently
committed and have at least one child under 16, she and Will
will become optimally sexually compatible, and that will contribute
to healing effects and longer lifespans. Currently she is
straight-type-1-F and he is bim (male attracted to both genders,
not necessarily having sex with both genders) so they are
only partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less than
optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less likely
to be faithful). Shortly she will become straight-type-2-F
(woman compatible only with bims, like Dua Lipa and Kate Bush)
and they will then be optimally sexually compatible. That
should occur tonight.
Another way is that I have funnelled a huge amount of negative
magick, so that if the cancer of Kate and Charles (who is optimally
sexually compatible with Camilla) is due to negative magick,
it will be lifted and there will be a bounce on the spell casters
which they can work off by following their healing circle prescriptions.
That should also occur tonight.
A final way is that I am attempting to instigate sudden evolution
of all humans, cetaceans, and non-human simians globally,
including current adults. That will involve adjustment of DNA,
which should heal genetic diseases including cancer, but there
will also be a conversion of some cells to early stem cell state,
followed by transformation and healing (more so for minor
criminal and better, and for medium criminal and worse who
are following their healing circle prescription). And Kate
is neutral (on a global scale, as defined by Goddess, the
ruler of the region all/everything) in goodness, and Charles
is also neutral, so both will get the physical carrot and mental
health carrot (so the thin end of the Dagda’s club, rather than
the thick end, which is the stick). When should the sudden
physical evolution begin? I think no later than full moon,
which I relate to the Clamshell in the Haida creation legend
of The Raven and the First Men, which visitors to the
Museum of Anthropology at The University of British Columbia
in Vancouver would know about, from Bill Reid’s giant cedar
sculpture depicting it, that is housed there .
One other way I can help is to suggest someone with healer
special ability. From a scan of the results of a search for
Anglican spiritual healers
on images.google.com , using my ability to determine
others’ special abilities, I identified Anglican priest
Summer Gross, who you can read an article by on
https://www.healingcare.org/post/summer-gross ,
as someone with healer special ability. So I suggest that
Kate and Charles consult her for healing. I think she
can do some remotely but it will have better effect up
close. Also the ability is best used by willing, not by
prayer, though she can do it by willing with invocation,
e.g. “In the name of God I heal you”.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
David Dalton
2024-03-24 04:26:05 UTC
Post by David Dalton
One other way I can help is to suggest someone with healer
special ability. From a scan of the results of a search for
Anglican spiritual healers
on images.google.com , using my ability to determine
others’ special abilities, I identified Anglican priest
Summer Gross, who you can read an article by on
https://www.healingcare.org/post/summer-gross ,
as someone with healer special ability. So I suggest that
Kate and Charles consult her for healing. I think she
can do some remotely but it will have better effect up
close. Also the ability is best used by willing, not by
prayer, though she can do it by willing with invocation,
e.g. “In the name of God I heal you”.
Some may want to test her healer ability, but should note
that it only works on humans, cetaceans, and non-human
simians. For healing of other animals and birds you would
need animal husbandry ability. For healing of plants you
would need green thumb ability. For healing of fish you
would need the new aquaculture ability.

Note that some who have what I call wide range magickal
special ability have 1/3 strength of each of healer, animal
husbandry, green thumb, and aquaculture abilities. That
supposedly now includes Antonio Guterres, who also now
has full strength peacemaker (by willing) ability, which is not
included in the wide range magickal special ability at any

Some also have what I call psychedelic drug enhanceable
ability, and they have wide range magickal special ability
while enhanced, except they have full strength out of
body travel ability and full strength species someone
negotiator ability rather than 1/3 strength. Some Latin
American shamans have this ability, as does Meghan
Markle, so she may be able to do some healing while
on a psychedelic, and could benefit from reiki, qi gong,
and therapeutic touch training.

And note that Jesus’s primary siddhi, which was granted
to the apostles and others at Pentecost, was healer
special ability, whereas my primary siddhi is matchmaking.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)