VIDEO: Iran did NOTHING Wrong
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D. Ray
2024-04-23 14:29:41 UTC
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its ‘unprecedented’
attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a lie. Find out how
Israel started this escalation by breaching international law and murdering
Iranian military officers and civilians in Syria.


BITCHUTE: <https://www.bitchute.com/video/kfcgLMzTDz5k/>
A. Filip
2024-04-23 15:34:08 UTC
Post by D. Ray
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its ‘unprecedented’
attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a lie. Find out how
Israel started this escalation by breaching international law and murdering
Iranian military officers and civilians in Syria.
BITCHUTE: <https://www.bitchute.com/video/kfcgLMzTDz5k/>
Do you expect equal standards for Iran and Israel?
Shame on you!
A. Filip
| Trust your husband, adore your husband, and get as much as you can
| in your own name. (Joan Rivers)
Charles C.
2024-04-24 13:26:58 UTC
For about 40 years, Iran has done its best to destroy Israel
by proxy, happily sacrificing the people of Gaza and Lebanon
to that end. It also attacked, directly and by proxy, other
Middle East nations.

Everyone who supports Iran and justifies it, wants the people
of Lenabon, Gaza, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Syria... to die.

A small sample of the facts

Iran behind basically every terror organization in the Middle East:

Iran behind AMIA bombing:

Iran behind attack on Saudi-Arabia oil facilities:

Iran's oppression and mass executions:

Mass rape, torture in Iranian jails:

etc. etc. etc.

Everyone who supports Iran and justifies it, wants the people
of Iran to be murdered or raped in Iranian jails.
A. Filip
2024-04-24 13:47:24 UTC
Post by Charles C.
For about 40 years, Iran has done its best to destroy Israel
by proxy, happily sacrificing the people of Gaza and Lebanon
to that end. It also attacked, directly and by proxy, other
Middle East nations.
Everyone who supports Iran and justifies it, wants the people
of Lenabon, Gaza, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Syria... to die.
A small sample of the facts
etc. etc. etc.
Everyone who supports Iran and justifies it, wants the people
of Iran to be murdered or raped in Iranian jails.
<per-analogy> Everyone who supports USA wants the people of Saudi
Kingdom and Egypt to be murdered also in jails. </per-analogy>
Could you *also* provide links about torture and abuses by USA supported
regime of Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi? Let's talk about USA
guaranteed "freedom and democracy" for Iran *as it was* .

Life is limited choice game. Iran as it is a USA payback for good
(for USA) Shah times. Iran is "no good" (by my standards) but it gains
a lot in comparison to USA supported Middle East standards.
A. Filip
| You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the
| night to write. (Saul Bellow)
2024-04-24 14:23:29 UTC
Post by A. Filip
Post by Charles C.
For about 40 years, Iran has done its best to destroy Israel
by proxy, happily sacrificing the people of Gaza and Lebanon
to that end. It also attacked, directly and by proxy, other
Middle East nations.
Everyone who supports Iran and justifies it, wants the people
of Lenabon, Gaza, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Syria... to die.
A small sample of the facts
etc. etc. etc.
Everyone who supports Iran and justifies it, wants the people
of Iran to be murdered or raped in Iranian jails.
argument by analogy is fakery

written as a promotion job for BP before the days of political
correctness and nonsense about the oppressed of the Empire.

[p.60] "Scarcely did the caravan come to a halt than men, women and
children would crowd round beseeching the Hakim [wise man or doctor]
to prescribe for complaints in which Western medicine has little more
than an antiquarian interest. Men wasted by long-continued dysentery,
children with the characteristic disfigurement of severe chronic
malaria which would be grotesque if it were not so pitiable.
Gangrenous wounds, ugly festering limbs mutilated as the result of
shark bites—these were typical cases. Perhaps also there would be an
imploring summons to a case of scorpion bite or snake bite, or to
minister to a peasant convulsed by tetanus, or to one suffering from
the terrible distress of hydrophobia [rabies], in either of which
latter cases the sufferer would be found manacled and shackled to
prevent his doing violence to onlookers and so [p.61] passing on his
strange madness. If smallpox was prevalent, then the swollen faces
which seemed scarcely human would be an all too common object. Little
cause for wonder that such wretchedness should hail the prospect of
possible relief so eagerly or place so profound a trust in the will to
help. Today these conditions are rare even in the East, but perhaps
only those who have had such experiences appreciate to the full the
incalculable benefits of preventive medicine."
Post by A. Filip
Everyone who supports USA wants the people of Saudi
Kingdom and Egypt to be murdered also in jails. </per-analogy>
Could you *also* provide links about torture and abuses by USA supported
regime of Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi? Let's talk about USA
guaranteed "freedom and democracy" for Iran *as it was* .
Life is limited choice game. Iran as it is a USA payback for good
(for USA) Shah times. Iran is "no good" (by my standards) but it gains
a lot in comparison to USA supported Middle East standards.
2024-04-23 16:05:51 UTC
On Tue, 23 Apr 24 14:29:41 UTC
Post by D. Ray
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its
‘unprecedented’ attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a
lie. Find out how Israel started this escalation by breaching
international law and murdering Iranian military officers and
civilians in Syria.
I'm sure you will recall that the current Iranian regime has little
respect for embassies or diplomatic customs.
A. Filip
2024-04-23 18:11:32 UTC
Post by Joe
On Tue, 23 Apr 24 14:29:41 UTC
Post by D. Ray
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its
‘unprecedented’ attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a
lie. Find out how Israel started this escalation by breaching
international law and murdering Iranian military officers and
civilians in Syria.
I'm sure you will recall that the current Iranian regime has little
respect for embassies or diplomatic customs.
Have they *KILLED* USA citizens at US diplomatic site?
So you are right but escalation by Israel (direct killing instead of
indirect hostage taking) is very significant IMHO.
A. Filip
| If you lose a son you can always get another, but there's only one
| Maltese Falcon. (Sidney Greenstreet, "The Maltese Falcon")
Charles C.
2024-04-24 13:30:36 UTC
Post by Joe
I'm sure you will recall that the current Iranian regime has little
respect for embassies or diplomatic customs.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis, for starters.
2024-04-24 15:18:14 UTC
Post by Joe
Post by D. Ray
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its
‘unprecedented’ attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a
lie. Find out how Israel started this escalation by breaching
international law and murdering Iranian military officers and
civilians in Syria.
I'm sure you will recall that the current Iranian regime has little
respect for embassies or diplomatic customs.
We remember.
Farmer Giles
2024-04-24 15:47:14 UTC
Post by Joe
On Tue, 23 Apr 24 14:29:41 UTC
Post by D. Ray
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its
‘unprecedented’ attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a
lie. Find out how Israel started this escalation by breaching
international law and murdering Iranian military officers and
civilians in Syria.
I'm sure you will recall that the current Iranian regime has little
respect for embassies or diplomatic customs.
Did they bomb the US Embassy and kill people?
2024-05-01 16:18:00 UTC
Post by Farmer Giles
Post by Joe
On Tue, 23 Apr 24 14:29:41 UTC
Post by D. Ray
The entire British establishment has condemned Iran for its
‘unprecedented’ attack on Israel – but this narrative is a complete a
lie. Find out how Israel started this escalation by breaching
international law and murdering Iranian military officers and
civilians in Syria.
I'm sure you will recall that the current Iranian regime has little
respect for embassies or diplomatic customs.
Did they bomb the US Embassy and kill people?
We're not supposed to talk about that, nor the USS Liberty. The ADL
says that makes us very bad people.
2024-05-01 23:24:11 UTC
Post by Incubus
We're not supposed to talk about that, nor the USS Liberty. The ADL
says that makes us very bad people.
Republicans refuse to talk about it because they support Iran and their
fellow right wing Muslims.

The GOP and Trump says your bad if you mention it. Repug political
correctness at its finest. That woke kiddy fucking felon Trump is on their
