In the 1940's, males faked their age to fight in WWII
(too old to reply)
J L Seagull
2024-04-03 01:53:05 UTC
In 2023, males pretend to be female to win in sports.

Says a lot about liberalism.
2024-04-03 03:31:24 UTC
One of my uncles lied to enlist in WWII. Got shrapnel from a Japanese
bomb, and spent 18th birthday in field hospital.
2024-04-03 20:56:36 UTC
Post by Ozix
One of my uncles lied to enlist in WWII. Got shrapnel from a Japanese
bomb, and spent 18th birthday in field hospital.
And your point relevant to year 2024 is what exectly?
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-04-03 21:08:05 UTC
Post by Ördög
And your point relevant to year 2024 is what exectly?
The on duty Newsgroup Manó
kobold tunjön el
Ordog the Armchair communist
As Red as a tomato and nutritious as strychnine
he is anti-system and anti-global capitalism.
That is why his No1 purpose in life is to fight
for mass immigration promoted by politicians and big business.
He attacks working class resistance with bricks and eggs
then go listen to a speech by the local MP about
how great diversity is.
He believes he is such a radical
2024-04-03 22:01:30 UTC
Petz, GoonBag fumes possessed, is now speaking in tongues
Post by Petzl
Post by Ördög
And your point relevant to year 2024 is what exectly?
kobold tunjön el
Sorry, I don't speak drunken moron.
Try it in English after you sober up a little.

Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-04-03 23:49:00 UTC
Post by Ördög
Petz, GoonBag fumes possessed, is now speaking in tongues
Post by Petzl
Post by Ördög
And your point relevant to year 2024 is what exectly?
kobold tunjön el
Sorry, I don't speak drunken moron.
Try it in English after you sober up a little.
kobold tunjön el, Hungerian, Goblin disappear
Supposedly gets rid of bad smells
Only the Irish Leprignomes have remained aloof and their family
heritage remains pure and unconfused. Gnome watchers believe that the
reason for this stems from the unfortunate events that led to their
expulsion from the peat bogs of Ireland in the late 1700s. It is
thought that the ambitious Leprignomes encroached on the territorial
boundaries of the intellectually superior Leprechauns. The Grand
Legislature of Leprechauns banished the ringleaders of this audacious
uprising to Australia. As a parting gesture they cast such a powerful
spell on the Leprignomes that, even today, they remain too shy to
associate with other gnome species.
2024-04-04 22:10:39 UTC
Petz smells his own unwashed stench
Post by Ördög
Post by Petzl
Post by Ördög
And your point relevant to year 2024 is what exectly?
kobold tunjön el
Sorry, I don't speak drunken moron.
Try it in English after you sober up a little.
kobold tunjön el, Hungerian, Goblin disappear
Supposedly gets rid of bad smells
The only bad smell that chronically plagues this ng is emanating from
your GoonBag fumes saturated bad breath, Petz dear.

It looks like you are too inebriated to even use Google for any sort of
debating advantage.
No one is impressed by your pathetic effort at speaking languages you
have zero aptitude for. And NO! I won't even bother with correcting the
posted verbal nonsense to make it sound semi intelligent in Hungarian.

And beyond the above observation, it is again quite telling that you
ain't capable of coming up with anything relevant to the originally
subject matter of this thread.
Try to sober up a little before you make yourself look like even more of
the complete idiot we already know you are in your follow up replies.

Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-04-05 09:12:23 UTC
Post by Ördög
Petz smells his own unwashed stench
Post by Ördög
Post by Petzl
Post by Ördög
And your point relevant to year 2024 is what exectly?
kobold tunjön el
Sorry, I don't speak drunken moron.
Try it in English after you sober up a little.
kobold tunjön el, Hungerian,  Goblin disappear
Supposedly gets rid of bad smells
The only bad smell that chronically plagues this ng is emanating from
your GoonBag fumes saturated bad breath, Petz dear.
It looks like you are too inebriated to even use Google for any sort of
debating advantage.
It's just occurred to me ..... in one of my other newsgroups, one of the
posters so much wants to keep the news group active he will respond to
EVERY ONE of the posts made by someone else .... just so he can then

Could the same sort of thing be happening here with Our Petzl?

I mean, at one stage Roddles was the greatest thing (according to Petzl)
since Sliced Bread ... but then what ever Donald Trump was quoted as
having said was THE BEE's KNEES.

So is Petzl JUST trying to keep some activity in this aus.politics
newsgroup?? (noting that, for some reason or other, this thread has been
cross-posted into uk.politics.misc!!)
2024-04-03 21:17:37 UTC
And your point is what exectly? /flush superfluous shit/
That you're an argumentative, name calling wanker that text edits and snips and
hides behind a killfile.
2024-04-03 22:27:55 UTC
Post by Muttley
And your point is what exactly?
That you're an argumentative, name calling wanker
Post by Muttley
that text edits and snips
I reserve the right to remove any crap from my replies. I'd say that is
quite a fair practice, also used by most other posters on this forum.
Anywho, this here is Usenet, quite a brutal bull-pit and not your
palliative care nursing home's chat room. If you don't like, it fuck off
back to your favourite social media sewer.
Post by Muttley
hides behind a killfile.
Whot's up doc? Have I hurt your fragile fee-fee?

Hiding? Who is hiding?
Alas you still do not know what killfiles are, what they do and why they
are used.
My time, energy, sanity and bandwidth are just too precious to waste on
raging, obnoxious cyber-loon wankers like you...so my killfile does
indeed protect me from the likes of you.
Post by Muttley
/flush superfluous shit/
I posted a one liner reply in this thread...the rest of what you flushed
were only voices in your cavernous skull.

Killfile adjusted...BYE...BYE...forever :-P :-P :-P
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-04-03 23:18:20 UTC
Post by Ördög
Post by Muttley
And your point is what exactly?
That you're an argumentative, name calling wanker
Post by Muttley
that text edits and snips
I reserve the right to remove any crap from my replies. I'd say that is
quite a fair practice, also used by most other posters on this forum.
Anywho, this here is Usenet, quite a brutal bull-pit and not your
palliative care nursing home's chat room. If you don't like, it fuck off
back to your favourite social media sewer.
Post by Muttley
hides behind a killfile.
Whot's up doc? Have I hurt your fragile fee-fee?
Hiding? Who is hiding?
Alas you still do not know what killfiles are, what they do and why they
are used.
My time, energy, sanity and bandwidth are just too precious to waste on
raging, obnoxious cyber-loon wankers like you...so my killfile does
indeed protect me from the likes of you.
Post by Muttley
/flush superfluous shit/
I posted a one liner reply in this thread...the rest of what you flushed
were only voices in your cavernous skull.
Killfile adjusted...BYE...BYE...forever :-P :-P :-P
Hello, did you miss me?
Thought I'd give you another chance to froth and slap your keyboard. Try not to
get it wet though.
2024-04-03 23:50:26 UTC
Post by bÖredög
Post by Ördög
Killfile adjusted...BYE...BYE...forever :-P :-P :-P
Hello, did you miss me?
Thought I'd give you another chance to froth and slap your keyboard. Try not to
get it wet though.
Australian's continue to vote for and believe slogans?

"My first act as Prime Minister will be to raise the speed limit, lower the
fines, cancel the tolls. ban any future virus lock downs.
Thank you " Anthony Albanese
2024-04-04 22:47:58 UTC
Petz celebrated GoonCon4

Your GoogBags fumes induced insane laughter, Petz dear, as you slowly
drift towards a drunken slumber laying in the now muddy-wet dirt under
your park-bench home in that torrential rain drenched Shitboxville
central park across your favourite bottle shop is hereby nicely documented.

Your idiotic extremist and/or Xtian fundy hate propaganda and high
octane Goon-bag fumes induced fantasy sig (that quite often contains
uncredited, therefore clearly plagiarised material pinched from
countless alt-right sources) was flushed down the gurgler, as always,
without reading!
The on duty Newsgroup Devil
2024-04-03 09:41:26 UTC
Boys always trying to be something they're not!!!

Unless you're making a pretence of liberty--Is the pope a Catholic?

Post by J L Seagull
In 2023, males pretend to be female to win in sports.
Says a lot about liberalism.
Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
party d3 library.


<http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)
2024-04-03 14:58:45 UTC
Define a woman?

During IVF procedures, sperm is introduced to an egg in a Petri dish. If
the egg is successfully fertilized, the resulting zygote is implanted into
the woman’s uterus. The critical fertilization stage usually takes place on
polystyrene, a plastic from which almost all Petri dishes are made.

It must be tough to realise in such a utopia that the male is only a
wanker. And even if he died that the purpose of life could still occur.

Nazis and science are your enemy.
Post by dolf
Boys always trying to be something they're not!!!
Unless you're making a pretence of liberty--Is the pope a Catholic?
Post by J L Seagull
In 2023, males pretend to be female to win in sports.
Says a lot about liberalism.
Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable / resizable
DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third party d3


<http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)
2024-04-03 16:43:15 UTC
Nazis and science are your enemy.

In other words "once we have distilled (ie. purified) the essence of being
which is the sperm , you can be eliminated--life as you know it can cease
to exist."
Post by dolf
Define a woman?
During IVF procedures, sperm is introduced to an egg in a Petri dish. If
the egg is successfully fertilized, the resulting zygote is implanted into
the woman’s uterus. The critical fertilization stage usually takes place on
polystyrene, a plastic from which almost all Petri dishes are made.
It must be tough to realise in such a utopia that the male is only a
wanker. And even if he died that the purpose of life could still occur.
Nazis and science are your enemy.
Post by dolf
Boys always trying to be something they're not!!!
Unless you're making a pretence of liberty--Is the pope a Catholic?
Post by J L Seagull
In 2023, males pretend to be female to win in sports.
Says a lot about liberalism.
Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable / resizable
DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third party d3


<http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)