man arrested on a zebra crossing or being openly a police person
(too old to reply)
2024-04-20 14:29:07 UTC
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
2024-04-20 15:03:03 UTC
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
Come on, you'll have to do better than that:

"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.

Arresting victims, instead.

That, at least, is all I can conclude from watching an extraordinary
piece of smartphone footage, filmed in London last Saturday. In the
footage, a man wearing a kippah – a Jewish skullcap – is stopped by Met
officers in the vicinity of pro-Palestinian marchers. He is then warned
that, if he refuses to vacate the scene, he will be arrested – for
“causing a breach of the peace”. How?

By being “quite openly Jewish”.

In the words of the officers, the “presence” of this “openly Jewish”
man risks “antagonising a large group of people”. And the police “can’t
deal with all of them if they attack you”.

Let me see if I’ve understood this apparent line of thinking correctly.
These pro-Palestinian marchers are such fanatical racists that, at the
mere sight of someone Jewish, they may turn violent. Trying to arrest
these violent racists, however, would be awfully difficult. So, to save
themselves the trouble, the police would rather arrest the violent
racists’ prospective victim.

I’ve no doubt that this strategy is simpler and more convenient. For
some reason, though, I’m struggling to imagine the police trying it
with any other ethnic group. Say there were a march by thousands of
white skinheads. Would the police threaten to arrest an innocent
passerby for being “openly Muslim”, or “openly black”?

In response to public outcry over the footage, the Met has now
apologised for the use of the term “openly Jewish”. It still doesn’t
seem to have grasped, however, that the biggest problem wasn’t the
language. It was the suggestion that the blame for breaching the peace
lies not with the mob, but with the mob’s target."

2024-04-20 15:23:07 UTC
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...

in due course everyone can hate everyone...while the lawyers
ike bliar and stalinmer can make ever more money by feeding
on discontent...
2024-04-20 21:11:07 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.

Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =

It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
2024-04-20 23:10:46 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
i note your comments/data....i'm not sure how it assists me :-)

my comments were directed at bliar and stalinmer

the islamists ambition is to make all jews(and others) into victims
and then to whine about how allah made them do it
we should invite more of them in
2024-04-21 07:23:46 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
i note your comments/data....i'm not sure how it assists me :-)
my comments were directed at bliar and stalinmer
the islamists ambition is to make all jews(and others) into victims
and then to whine about how allah made them do it
we should invite more of them in
I think your policy of creating millions of refugee immigrants by
starting was in the middle-east has been very successful.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, where are you hoping to start
a war next? Are you hoping to move all the surviving Gazans to the UK?
2024-04-21 07:33:39 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
in other news a woman  was arrested for being an obvious
      heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka  for
     3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
i note your comments/data....i'm not sure how it assists me :-)
my comments were directed at bliar and stalinmer
the islamists ambition is to make all jews(and others) into victims
     and then to whine about how allah made them do it
we should invite more of them in
I think your policy of creating millions of refugee immigrants by
starting was in the middle-east has been very successful.
r, huh - What is it good for, absolutely nothing listen to me. (r) it
ain't nothing but a heart breaker.

I meant wars, not was. I should have put my glasses on.
Farmer Giles
2024-04-22 18:46:59 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
in other news a woman  was arrested for being an obvious
      heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka  for
     3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
i note your comments/data....i'm not sure how it assists me :-)
my comments were directed at bliar and stalinmer
the islamists ambition is to make all jews(and others) into victims
     and then to whine about how allah made them do it
we should invite more of them in
I think your policy of creating millions of refugee immigrants by
starting was in the middle-east has been very successful.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, where are you hoping to start
a war next? Are you hoping to move all the surviving Gazans to the UK?
You missed out Ukraine.
2024-04-24 09:36:04 UTC
Post by abelard
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
i note your comments/data....i'm not sure how it assists me :-)
It assists you by providing more context.
Post by abelard
my comments were directed at bliar and stalinmer
As if they're the only problems.
Post by abelard
the islamists ambition is to make all jews(and others) into victims
and then to whine about how allah made them do it
we should invite more of them in
Israel and the ADL encourage open borders in the West including taking
in millions of Palestinians that Israel is ethnically cleansing from
Gaza. Apparently, their books tell them that their god gave them some
land and that the rest of us are vile animals.

(((They))) cry out in pain as (((they))) strike you.
2024-04-24 14:31:53 UTC
Post by Incubus
Post by abelard
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
i note your comments/data....i'm not sure how it assists me :-)
It assists you by providing more context.
ok.butposting a telephone directory would achieve that much
Post by Incubus
Post by abelard
my comments were directed at bliar and stalinmer
As if they're the only problems.
you want a directory?
Post by Incubus
Post by abelard
the islamists ambition is to make all jews(and others) into victims
and then to whine about how allah made them do it
we should invite more of them in
Israel and the ADL encourage open borders in the West including taking
in millions of Palestinians that Israel is ethnically cleansing from
Gaza. Apparently, their books tell them that their god gave them some
land and that the rest of us are vile animals.
(((They))) cry out in pain as (((they))) strike you.
every actor promotes their own prime interests

2024-04-24 09:32:45 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by abelard
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
the left is all about generating victims...
The left, you say. This was about Gideon Falter, the chief executive of
the Campaign Against Antisemitism. CAA is an organisation devoted to
weaponising victimhood, as a way to entitle jewish people, and
particularly zionists to protections over and above the rest of us.
Indeed Mr Falter's right to wear a Kippah doesn't appear to extend to
Palestinians wanting to wear a Keffiyeh. We hear jewish "victimhood"
organisations such as the ADL tell us thast wearing a Keffiyeh is
equivalent to wearing a swastika. Openly Jewish OK. Openly Palestinian =
It is also surprising that a couple of months ago Mr Falter, the victim,
was telling us central London had become a no go area for Jews, due to
the marches. How suprising he should find himself at a march by chance.
It looks surprisingly like he has taken a leaf out of the Tommy Robinson
The ADL has always opposed "defamation" by attacking and defaming
2024-04-24 09:30:07 UTC
Post by Joe
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:29:07 +0200
Post by abelard
in other news a woman was arrested for being an obvious
heterosexual...she has been sentenced to wear a burka for
3 months
"Traditionally, the police have tried to protect the public by arresting
criminals. In London, however, the Met is experimenting with a radical
new approach.
Arresting victims, instead.
That, at least, is all I can conclude from watching an extraordinary
piece of smartphone footage, filmed in London last Saturday. In the
footage, a man wearing a kippah – a Jewish skullcap – is stopped by Met
officers in the vicinity of pro-Palestinian marchers. He is then warned
that, if he refuses to vacate the scene, he will be arrested – for
“causing a breach of the peace”. How?
By being “quite openly Jewish”.
In the words of the officers, the “presence” of this “openly Jewish”
man risks “antagonising a large group of people”. And the police “can’t
deal with all of them if they attack you”.
Let me see if I’ve understood this apparent line of thinking correctly.
These pro-Palestinian marchers are such fanatical racists that, at the
mere sight of someone Jewish, they may turn violent. Trying to arrest
these violent racists, however, would be awfully difficult. So, to save
themselves the trouble, the police would rather arrest the violent
racists’ prospective victim.
I’ve no doubt that this strategy is simpler and more convenient. For
some reason, though, I’m struggling to imagine the police trying it
with any other ethnic group. Say there were a march by thousands of
white skinheads. Would the police threaten to arrest an innocent
passerby for being “openly Muslim”, or “openly black”?
In response to public outcry over the footage, the Met has now
apologised for the use of the term “openly Jewish”. It still doesn’t
seem to have grasped, however, that the biggest problem wasn’t the
language. It was the suggestion that the blame for breaching the peace
lies not with the mob, but with the mob’s target."
This has been policy for a long time. The Police have told me on a
number of occasions that my apparel (a "Jesus is a cunt" shirt) is
attracting hostile attention and that I will be arrested if I don't
remove it and leave the area. I tried arguing that they should arrest
anyone who becomes violent but to no avail.

There have been similar incidents where having an England flag has been
a breach of the peace due to a hostile crowd that has been imported.