Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
(too old to reply)
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-23 03:58:50 UTC

The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.

APR 20, 2024

Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest report
of quarterly suicide death registrations in England for Quarter 4
(October to December) of 2023. Unfortunately, it shows a 6% rise, which
is the highest national rate of suicides since 1999. There were 1,439
suicides registered in Quarter 4, equivalent to 11.4 suicide deaths per
100,000 people. Overall there were 5,579 suicides registered in England,
which is significantly higher than 2021 and 2020.

It’s difficult to attribute causes to individual suicides, as well as
trends. While it is important to to be responsible and circumspect when
speculating, this notable and recent upshift in suicide deaths should be
analysed and monitored.


The ONS figures need to be interpreted with some caution because there
is a delay in coronial inquests, meaning that only 39.3% of the deaths
registered in 2023 had a date of death in the same year, and some of the
deaths occurred in 2022 and 2021. Crucially, this means that we should
be cautious about making conclusions for 2023 at the moment as there
will still be a large number of suicides that occurred in 2023 which
have not yet been registered.

So what might have caused the trend? Professor Louis Appleby who chairs
the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group has commented on
the uptick in suicides on Twitter. He suggested that the likeliest cause
is the economic downturn and cost of living crisis. Historically
recessions cause suicide rates to increase. The North East, North West
and East of England have seen the most significant increases in suicide,
but the North East, Midlands and London are actually the three regions
with the highest levels of poverty, so this theory does not necessarily
tally up neatly. The significant jump in the North West specifically
might indicate a change in the way deaths have been recorded. The
economic effect Appleby proposes would also not easily explain that the
increase for women was greatest in the over 60s.

Could there be another factor? Appleby has zoned in on the economy for
obvious and sound reasons, but has so far ignored a key factor.

In April 2021, Professor Appleby was the Lead Author of the report
‘Suicide in England in the COVID-19 pandemic: Early observational data
from real time surveillance’, analysing ’real time surveillance’ (RTS)
of suspected suicides during the pandemic and lockdowns. Despite greater
distress, the study did not find evidence of an increase in suicide
rates. Ensuing ONS month by month data for 2020 and 2021 also showed no
increase in suicides.

There was a vital caveat which needed to applied to this data which,
although present within the ONS report, wasn’t given much weight by
people who endorsed the findings: it was too early to be sure. Suicide
is a verdict given by a coronial court, and does not operate in ‘real
time’. Some courts were running almost a year behind on case load during
the pandemic. This was not something to be ignored in favour of real
time data — the coronial verdict is not simply a rubber stamping
process. Analysis based on real time surveillance might have delivered a
reassuring answer at the time to people who wanted to believe that the
pandemic, lockdowns and other distressing NPIs didn’t ultimately lead to
the most tragic consequences, but it was too soon to deliver a verdict.

Indeed, Appleby’s tweet thread on 12th April 2023, just over a year ago,
was confident in its assumptions:

‘New @ONS data give us, for first time, national suicide rates month by
month for Covid years 2020 & 2021, compared to earlier years. Graph
shows no rise in these years overall, or any month, or any period of
pandemic, including lockdown.

What can we learn from this?

It may tell us something about the protective power of social cohesion,
of looking out for each other, of community, with its message of
acceptance & concern.

If so, we need to hang on to it. It hasn’t looked in strong supply lately.

It may confirm something we saw after the 2008 recession, the
life-saving impact of economic support - for people on benefits or in
debt or fearing for their jobs & homes.

Particularly important as we head further into the cost of living crisis.

It reminds us to look at the evidence, no matter what the headlines claim.

Or the Twitter “likes”.

Or the academics who should know better.

Or the current attempt at revisionism in the media.'

Type your email...
In a National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental
Health presentation, Appleby suggested a number of reasons why suicide
had not increased. Despite the obvious anxiety about Covid-19, the tough
lockdowns, economic ramifications and huge societal changes, he believed
people were protected due to a combination of:

economic protections;

a supposed increase in social cohesion;

increased vigilance and support from family, friends and neighbours;

reduced access to certain methods of suicide;

a sense of short-term crisis.

These could well have prevented the rise in suicide at the time, but
conclusions from previous analyses of other disasters warn that the rise
in suicide does not occur during the disaster, but afterwards. The lack
of rise in suicides was in keeping with disaster literature. A
subsequent increase in suicide - as we see happening now - is also in
keeping with disaster literature.

In the early psychological phases of disaster — ‘heroic’ and ‘honeymoon’
— you would not expect to see more suicides. They come afterwards. In
the case of a ‘slow disaster’ like Covid-19, this could be some time

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At the time, Professor Lucy Easthope, the country’s leading authority on
disaster and recovery, commented that the real time surveillance data
was very useful, but that more attention should be given to the role of
the coronial process as well as the underreporting of possible suicides
which can be recorded as either an open verdict or crucially a narrative
verdict which allows the coroner to expand on the additional factors
that led to death. Ultimately, she concluded, real time death data could
be unreliable.

She is now concerned now that ‘post-disaster conditions that may promote
hopelessness are all increased, including economic instability, domestic
violence, depression and alcohol use’ and that ‘we appear to have
incubated a real sense of nihilism and hopelessness in younger people’.

It’s a frustrating stage of the Covid-19 saga. Warnings at the time were
ignored and it is painful for experts such as Easthope to observe the
impact on the public of chronic disaster and delayed support for
physical and mental health, not to mention the toll on response workers
who ‘tend to feel let down and morally injured by the state’.

‘It’s particularly important to consider long-term suicide when risk
assessing economic policies,’ says Easthope. ‘Things like furlough
schemes have positives but also come with substantial emotional
negatives such as future redundancy, effects on self-worth, esteem and
purpose. All disaster decisions come with negatives, there are no purely
perfect answers. Discussion of the negatives was not welcomed and people
like me were seen as pessimistic if we raised suicide as a result of
Cabinet or Treasury decisions. It was very hard to get traction in 2020
and 2021 with these concerns.’

Whether suicide rates go up or go down, they are preventable and they
are always too high. It’s a tragedy for suicide rates to be the highest
in England for 25 years. If the pandemic and the never-before-used
lockdowns turn out to be a factor in this devastating trend, we could
well see the rates rise further.


According to the Samaritans one in five of us have experienced suicidal
thoughts. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face
it alone. Call Samaritans day or night on 116 123. Email ***@samaritans.org.
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-23 04:51:45 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
APR 20, 2024
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest report
of quarterly suicide death registrations in England for Quarter 4
(October to December) of 2023. Unfortunately, it shows a 6% rise, which
is the highest national rate of suicides since 1999. There were 1,439
suicides registered in Quarter 4, equivalent to 11.4 suicide deaths per
100,000 people. Overall there were 5,579 suicides registered in England,
which is significantly higher than 2021 and 2020.
It’s difficult to attribute causes to individual suicides, as well as
trends. While it is important to to be responsible and circumspect when
speculating, this notable and recent upshift in suicide deaths should be
analysed and monitored.
The ONS figures need to be interpreted with some caution because there
is a delay in coronial inquests, meaning that only 39.3% of the deaths
registered in 2023 had a date of death in the same year, and some of the
deaths occurred in 2022 and 2021. Crucially, this means that we should
be cautious about making conclusions for 2023 at the moment as there
will still be a large number of suicides that occurred in 2023 which
have not yet been registered.
So what might have caused the trend? Professor Louis Appleby who chairs
the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group has commented on
the uptick in suicides on Twitter. He suggested that the likeliest cause
is the economic downturn and cost of living crisis. Historically
recessions cause suicide rates to increase. The North East, North West
and East of England have seen the most significant increases in suicide,
but the North East, Midlands and London are actually the three regions
with the highest levels of poverty, so this theory does not necessarily
tally up neatly. The significant jump in the North West specifically
might indicate a change in the way deaths have been recorded. The
economic effect Appleby proposes would also not easily explain that the
increase for women was greatest in the over 60s.
Could there be another factor? Appleby has zoned in on the economy for
obvious and sound reasons, but has so far ignored a key factor.
In April 2021, Professor Appleby was the Lead Author of the report
‘Suicide in England in the COVID-19 pandemic: Early observational data
from real time surveillance’, analysing ’real time surveillance’ (RTS)
of suspected suicides during the pandemic and lockdowns. Despite greater
distress, the study did not find evidence of an increase in suicide
rates. Ensuing ONS month by month data for 2020 and 2021 also showed no
increase in suicides.
There was a vital caveat which needed to applied to this data which,
although present within the ONS report, wasn’t given much weight by
people who endorsed the findings: it was too early to be sure. Suicide
is a verdict given by a coronial court, and does not operate in ‘real
time’. Some courts were running almost a year behind on case load during
the pandemic. This was not something to be ignored in favour of real
time data — the coronial verdict is not simply a rubber stamping
process. Analysis based on real time surveillance might have delivered a
reassuring answer at the time to people who wanted to believe that the
pandemic, lockdowns and other distressing NPIs didn’t ultimately lead to
the most tragic consequences, but it was too soon to deliver a verdict.
Indeed, Appleby’s tweet thread on 12th April 2023, just over a year ago,
month for Covid years 2020 & 2021, compared to earlier years. Graph
shows no rise in these years overall, or any month, or any period of
pandemic, including lockdown.
What can we learn from this?
It may tell us something about the protective power of social cohesion,
of looking out for each other, of community, with its message of
acceptance & concern.
If so, we need to hang on to it. It hasn’t looked in strong supply lately.
It may confirm something we saw after the 2008 recession, the
life-saving impact of economic support - for people on benefits or in
debt or fearing for their jobs & homes.
Particularly important as we head further into the cost of living crisis.
It reminds us to look at the evidence, no matter what the headlines claim.
Or the Twitter “likes”.
Or the academics who should know better.
Or the current attempt at revisionism in the media.'
Type your email...
In a National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental
Health presentation, Appleby suggested a number of reasons why suicide
had not increased. Despite the obvious anxiety about Covid-19, the tough
lockdowns, economic ramifications and huge societal changes, he believed
economic protections;
a supposed increase in social cohesion;
increased vigilance and support from family, friends and neighbours;
reduced access to certain methods of suicide;
a sense of short-term crisis.
These could well have prevented the rise in suicide at the time, but
conclusions from previous analyses of other disasters warn that the rise
in suicide does not occur during the disaster, but afterwards. The lack
of rise in suicides was in keeping with disaster literature. A
subsequent increase in suicide - as we see happening now - is also in
keeping with disaster literature.
In the early psychological phases of disaster — ‘heroic’ and ‘honeymoon’
— you would not expect to see more suicides. They come afterwards. In
the case of a ‘slow disaster’ like Covid-19, this could be some time
To receive all new posts and support my work, please subscribe.
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At the time, Professor Lucy Easthope, the country’s leading authority on
disaster and recovery, commented that the real time surveillance data
was very useful, but that more attention should be given to the role of
the coronial process as well as the underreporting of possible suicides
which can be recorded as either an open verdict or crucially a narrative
verdict which allows the coroner to expand on the additional factors
that led to death. Ultimately, she concluded, real time death data could
be unreliable.
She is now concerned now that ‘post-disaster conditions that may promote
hopelessness are all increased, including economic instability, domestic
violence, depression and alcohol use’ and that ‘we appear to have
incubated a real sense of nihilism and hopelessness in younger people’.
It’s a frustrating stage of the Covid-19 saga. Warnings at the time were
ignored and it is painful for experts such as Easthope to observe the
impact on the public of chronic disaster and delayed support for
physical and mental health, not to mention the toll on response workers
who ‘tend to feel let down and morally injured by the state’.
‘It’s particularly important to consider long-term suicide when risk
assessing economic policies,’ says Easthope. ‘Things like furlough
schemes have positives but also come with substantial emotional
negatives such as future redundancy, effects on self-worth, esteem and
purpose. All disaster decisions come with negatives, there are no purely
perfect answers. Discussion of the negatives was not welcomed and people
like me were seen as pessimistic if we raised suicide as a result of
Cabinet or Treasury decisions. It was very hard to get traction in 2020
and 2021 with these concerns.’
Whether suicide rates go up or go down, they are preventable and they
are always too high. It’s a tragedy for suicide rates to be the highest
in England for 25 years. If the pandemic and the never-before-used
lockdowns turn out to be a factor in this devastating trend, we could
well see the rates rise further.
According to the Samaritans one in five of us have experienced suicidal
thoughts. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face
In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).

Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the UK & elsewhere is by
rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
"convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and
self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
longer effective.

Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-23 04:53:09 UTC
(Laura) 04/23/24 Again not a LoosePeeledQuackIdiot bigot ...


Instead be "woke" to the sin of racial prejudice:

https://tinyurl.com/JesusIsWoke (i.e. not a Nazi bigot) *and* risen!!!
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-23 05:17:36 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
APR 20, 2024
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest report
of quarterly suicide death registrations in England for Quarter 4
(October to December) of 2023. Unfortunately, it shows a 6% rise, which
is the highest national rate of suicides since 1999. There were 1,439
suicides registered in Quarter 4, equivalent to 11.4 suicide deaths per
100,000 people. Overall there were 5,579 suicides registered in England,
which is significantly higher than 2021 and 2020.
It’s difficult to attribute causes to individual suicides, as well as
trends. While it is important to to be responsible and circumspect when
speculating, this notable and recent upshift in suicide deaths should be
analysed and monitored.
The ONS figures need to be interpreted with some caution because there
is a delay in coronial inquests, meaning that only 39.3% of the deaths
registered in 2023 had a date of death in the same year, and some of the
deaths occurred in 2022 and 2021. Crucially, this means that we should
be cautious about making conclusions for 2023 at the moment as there
will still be a large number of suicides that occurred in 2023 which
have not yet been registered.
So what might have caused the trend? Professor Louis Appleby who chairs
the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group has commented on
the uptick in suicides on Twitter. He suggested that the likeliest cause
is the economic downturn and cost of living crisis. Historically
recessions cause suicide rates to increase. The North East, North West
and East of England have seen the most significant increases in suicide,
but the North East, Midlands and London are actually the three regions
with the highest levels of poverty, so this theory does not necessarily
tally up neatly. The significant jump in the North West specifically
might indicate a change in the way deaths have been recorded. The
economic effect Appleby proposes would also not easily explain that the
increase for women was greatest in the over 60s.
Could there be another factor? Appleby has zoned in on the economy for
obvious and sound reasons, but has so far ignored a key factor.
In April 2021, Professor Appleby was the Lead Author of the report
‘Suicide in England in the COVID-19 pandemic: Early observational data
from real time surveillance’, analysing ’real time surveillance’ (RTS)
of suspected suicides during the pandemic and lockdowns. Despite greater
distress, the study did not find evidence of an increase in suicide
rates. Ensuing ONS month by month data for 2020 and 2021 also showed no
increase in suicides.
There was a vital caveat which needed to applied to this data which,
although present within the ONS report, wasn’t given much weight by
people who endorsed the findings: it was too early to be sure. Suicide
is a verdict given by a coronial court, and does not operate in ‘real
time’. Some courts were running almost a year behind on case load during
the pandemic. This was not something to be ignored in favour of real
time data — the coronial verdict is not simply a rubber stamping
process. Analysis based on real time surveillance might have delivered a
reassuring answer at the time to people who wanted to believe that the
pandemic, lockdowns and other distressing NPIs didn’t ultimately lead to
the most tragic consequences, but it was too soon to deliver a verdict.
Indeed, Appleby’s tweet thread on 12th April 2023, just over a year ago,
month for Covid years 2020 & 2021, compared to earlier years. Graph
shows no rise in these years overall, or any month, or any period of
pandemic, including lockdown.
What can we learn from this?
It may tell us something about the protective power of social cohesion,
of looking out for each other, of community, with its message of
acceptance & concern.
If so, we need to hang on to it. It hasn’t looked in strong supply lately.
It may confirm something we saw after the 2008 recession, the
life-saving impact of economic support - for people on benefits or in
debt or fearing for their jobs & homes.
Particularly important as we head further into the cost of living crisis.
It reminds us to look at the evidence, no matter what the headlines claim.
Or the Twitter “likes”.
Or the academics who should know better.
Or the current attempt at revisionism in the media.'
Type your email...
In a National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental
Health presentation, Appleby suggested a number of reasons why suicide
had not increased. Despite the obvious anxiety about Covid-19, the tough
lockdowns, economic ramifications and huge societal changes, he believed
economic protections;
a supposed increase in social cohesion;
increased vigilance and support from family, friends and neighbours;
reduced access to certain methods of suicide;
a sense of short-term crisis.
These could well have prevented the rise in suicide at the time, but
conclusions from previous analyses of other disasters warn that the rise
in suicide does not occur during the disaster, but afterwards. The lack
of rise in suicides was in keeping with disaster literature. A
subsequent increase in suicide - as we see happening now - is also in
keeping with disaster literature.
In the early psychological phases of disaster — ‘heroic’ and ‘honeymoon’
— you would not expect to see more suicides. They come afterwards. In
the case of a ‘slow disaster’ like Covid-19, this could be some time
To receive all new posts and support my work, please subscribe.
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At the time, Professor Lucy Easthope, the country’s leading authority on
disaster and recovery, commented that the real time surveillance data
was very useful, but that more attention should be given to the role of
the coronial process as well as the underreporting of possible suicides
which can be recorded as either an open verdict or crucially a narrative
verdict which allows the coroner to expand on the additional factors
that led to death. Ultimately, she concluded, real time death data could
be unreliable.
She is now concerned now that ‘post-disaster conditions that may promote
hopelessness are all increased, including economic instability, domestic
violence, depression and alcohol use’ and that ‘we appear to have
incubated a real sense of nihilism and hopelessness in younger people’.
It’s a frustrating stage of the Covid-19 saga. Warnings at the time were
ignored and it is painful for experts such as Easthope to observe the
impact on the public of chronic disaster and delayed support for
physical and mental health, not to mention the toll on response workers
who ‘tend to feel let down and morally injured by the state’.
‘It’s particularly important to consider long-term suicide when risk
assessing economic policies,’ says Easthope. ‘Things like furlough
schemes have positives but also come with substantial emotional
negatives such as future redundancy, effects on self-worth, esteem and
purpose. All disaster decisions come with negatives, there are no purely
perfect answers. Discussion of the negatives was not welcomed and people
like me were seen as pessimistic if we raised suicide as a result of
Cabinet or Treasury decisions. It was very hard to get traction in 2020
and 2021 with these concerns.’
Whether suicide rates go up or go down, they are preventable and they
are always too high. It’s a tragedy for suicide rates to be the highest
in England for 25 years. If the pandemic and the never-before-used
lockdowns turn out to be a factor in this devastating trend, we could
well see the rates rise further.
According to the Samaritans one in five of us have experienced suicidal
thoughts. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face
In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).
Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the UK & elsewhere is by
rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
"convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and
self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
longer effective.
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-23 05:38:16 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
APR 20, 2024
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest report
of quarterly suicide death registrations in England for Quarter 4
(October to December) of 2023. Unfortunately, it shows a 6% rise, which
is the highest national rate of suicides since 1999. There were 1,439
suicides registered in Quarter 4, equivalent to 11.4 suicide deaths per
100,000 people. Overall there were 5,579 suicides registered in England,
which is significantly higher than 2021 and 2020.
It’s difficult to attribute causes to individual suicides, as well as
trends. While it is important to to be responsible and circumspect when
speculating, this notable and recent upshift in suicide deaths should be
analysed and monitored.
The ONS figures need to be interpreted with some caution because there
is a delay in coronial inquests, meaning that only 39.3% of the deaths
registered in 2023 had a date of death in the same year, and some of the
deaths occurred in 2022 and 2021. Crucially, this means that we should
be cautious about making conclusions for 2023 at the moment as there
will still be a large number of suicides that occurred in 2023 which
have not yet been registered.
So what might have caused the trend? Professor Louis Appleby who chairs
the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group has commented on
the uptick in suicides on Twitter. He suggested that the likeliest cause
is the economic downturn and cost of living crisis. Historically
recessions cause suicide rates to increase. The North East, North West
and East of England have seen the most significant increases in suicide,
but the North East, Midlands and London are actually the three regions
with the highest levels of poverty, so this theory does not necessarily
tally up neatly. The significant jump in the North West specifically
might indicate a change in the way deaths have been recorded. The
economic effect Appleby proposes would also not easily explain that the
increase for women was greatest in the over 60s.
Could there be another factor? Appleby has zoned in on the economy for
obvious and sound reasons, but has so far ignored a key factor.
In April 2021, Professor Appleby was the Lead Author of the report
‘Suicide in England in the COVID-19 pandemic: Early observational data
from real time surveillance’, analysing ’real time surveillance’ (RTS)
of suspected suicides during the pandemic and lockdowns. Despite greater
distress, the study did not find evidence of an increase in suicide
rates. Ensuing ONS month by month data for 2020 and 2021 also showed no
increase in suicides.
There was a vital caveat which needed to applied to this data which,
although present within the ONS report, wasn’t given much weight by
people who endorsed the findings: it was too early to be sure. Suicide
is a verdict given by a coronial court, and does not operate in ‘real
time’. Some courts were running almost a year behind on case load during
the pandemic. This was not something to be ignored in favour of real
time data — the coronial verdict is not simply a rubber stamping
process. Analysis based on real time surveillance might have delivered a
reassuring answer at the time to people who wanted to believe that the
pandemic, lockdowns and other distressing NPIs didn’t ultimately lead to
the most tragic consequences, but it was too soon to deliver a verdict.
Indeed, Appleby’s tweet thread on 12th April 2023, just over a year ago,
month for Covid years 2020 & 2021, compared to earlier years. Graph
shows no rise in these years overall, or any month, or any period of
pandemic, including lockdown.
What can we learn from this?
It may tell us something about the protective power of social cohesion,
of looking out for each other, of community, with its message of
acceptance & concern.
If so, we need to hang on to it. It hasn’t looked in strong supply lately.
It may confirm something we saw after the 2008 recession, the
life-saving impact of economic support - for people on benefits or in
debt or fearing for their jobs & homes.
Particularly important as we head further into the cost of living crisis.
It reminds us to look at the evidence, no matter what the headlines claim.
Or the Twitter “likes”.
Or the academics who should know better.
Or the current attempt at revisionism in the media.'
Type your email...
In a National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental
Health presentation, Appleby suggested a number of reasons why suicide
had not increased. Despite the obvious anxiety about Covid-19, the tough
lockdowns, economic ramifications and huge societal changes, he believed
economic protections;
a supposed increase in social cohesion;
increased vigilance and support from family, friends and neighbours;
reduced access to certain methods of suicide;
a sense of short-term crisis.
These could well have prevented the rise in suicide at the time, but
conclusions from previous analyses of other disasters warn that the rise
in suicide does not occur during the disaster, but afterwards. The lack
of rise in suicides was in keeping with disaster literature. A
subsequent increase in suicide - as we see happening now - is also in
keeping with disaster literature.
In the early psychological phases of disaster — ‘heroic’ and ‘honeymoon’
— you would not expect to see more suicides. They come afterwards. In
the case of a ‘slow disaster’ like Covid-19, this could be some time
To receive all new posts and support my work, please subscribe.
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At the time, Professor Lucy Easthope, the country’s leading authority on
disaster and recovery, commented that the real time surveillance data
was very useful, but that more attention should be given to the role of
the coronial process as well as the underreporting of possible suicides
which can be recorded as either an open verdict or crucially a narrative
verdict which allows the coroner to expand on the additional factors
that led to death. Ultimately, she concluded, real time death data could
be unreliable.
She is now concerned now that ‘post-disaster conditions that may promote
hopelessness are all increased, including economic instability, domestic
violence, depression and alcohol use’ and that ‘we appear to have
incubated a real sense of nihilism and hopelessness in younger people’.
It’s a frustrating stage of the Covid-19 saga. Warnings at the time were
ignored and it is painful for experts such as Easthope to observe the
impact on the public of chronic disaster and delayed support for
physical and mental health, not to mention the toll on response workers
who ‘tend to feel let down and morally injured by the state’.
‘It’s particularly important to consider long-term suicide when risk
assessing economic policies,’ says Easthope. ‘Things like furlough
schemes have positives but also come with substantial emotional
negatives such as future redundancy, effects on self-worth, esteem and
purpose. All disaster decisions come with negatives, there are no purely
perfect answers. Discussion of the negatives was not welcomed and people
like me were seen as pessimistic if we raised suicide as a result of
Cabinet or Treasury decisions. It was very hard to get traction in 2020
and 2021 with these concerns.’
Whether suicide rates go up or go down, they are preventable and they
are always too high. It’s a tragedy for suicide rates to be the highest
in England for 25 years. If the pandemic and the never-before-used
lockdowns turn out to be a factor in this devastating trend, we could
well see the rates rise further.
According to the Samaritans one in five of us have experienced suicidal
thoughts. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face
In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).
Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the UK & elsewhere is by
rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
"convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and
self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
longer effective.
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-23 12:25:15 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
APR 20, 2024
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest report
of quarterly suicide death registrations in England for Quarter 4
(October to December) of 2023. Unfortunately, it shows a 6% rise, which
is the highest national rate of suicides since 1999. There were 1,439
suicides registered in Quarter 4, equivalent to 11.4 suicide deaths per
100,000 people. Overall there were 5,579 suicides registered in England,
which is significantly higher than 2021 and 2020.
It’s difficult to attribute causes to individual suicides, as well as
trends. While it is important to to be responsible and circumspect when
speculating, this notable and recent upshift in suicide deaths should be
analysed and monitored.
The ONS figures need to be interpreted with some caution because there
is a delay in coronial inquests, meaning that only 39.3% of the deaths
registered in 2023 had a date of death in the same year, and some of the
deaths occurred in 2022 and 2021. Crucially, this means that we should
be cautious about making conclusions for 2023 at the moment as there
will still be a large number of suicides that occurred in 2023 which
have not yet been registered.
So what might have caused the trend? Professor Louis Appleby who chairs
the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group has commented on
the uptick in suicides on Twitter. He suggested that the likeliest cause
is the economic downturn and cost of living crisis. Historically
recessions cause suicide rates to increase. The North East, North West
and East of England have seen the most significant increases in suicide,
but the North East, Midlands and London are actually the three regions
with the highest levels of poverty, so this theory does not necessarily
tally up neatly. The significant jump in the North West specifically
might indicate a change in the way deaths have been recorded. The
economic effect Appleby proposes would also not easily explain that the
increase for women was greatest in the over 60s.
Could there be another factor? Appleby has zoned in on the economy for
obvious and sound reasons, but has so far ignored a key factor.
In April 2021, Professor Appleby was the Lead Author of the report
‘Suicide in England in the COVID-19 pandemic: Early observational data
from real time surveillance’, analysing ’real time surveillance’ (RTS)
of suspected suicides during the pandemic and lockdowns. Despite greater
distress, the study did not find evidence of an increase in suicide
rates. Ensuing ONS month by month data for 2020 and 2021 also showed no
increase in suicides.
There was a vital caveat which needed to applied to this data which,
although present within the ONS report, wasn’t given much weight by
people who endorsed the findings: it was too early to be sure. Suicide
is a verdict given by a coronial court, and does not operate in ‘real
time’. Some courts were running almost a year behind on case load during
the pandemic. This was not something to be ignored in favour of real
time data — the coronial verdict is not simply a rubber stamping
process. Analysis based on real time surveillance might have delivered a
reassuring answer at the time to people who wanted to believe that the
pandemic, lockdowns and other distressing NPIs didn’t ultimately lead to
the most tragic consequences, but it was too soon to deliver a verdict.
Indeed, Appleby’s tweet thread on 12th April 2023, just over a year ago,
month for Covid years 2020 & 2021, compared to earlier years. Graph
shows no rise in these years overall, or any month, or any period of
pandemic, including lockdown.
What can we learn from this?
It may tell us something about the protective power of social cohesion,
of looking out for each other, of community, with its message of
acceptance & concern.
If so, we need to hang on to it. It hasn’t looked in strong supply lately.
It may confirm something we saw after the 2008 recession, the
life-saving impact of economic support - for people on benefits or in
debt or fearing for their jobs & homes.
Particularly important as we head further into the cost of living crisis.
It reminds us to look at the evidence, no matter what the headlines claim.
Or the Twitter “likes”.
Or the academics who should know better.
Or the current attempt at revisionism in the media.'
Type your email...
In a National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental
Health presentation, Appleby suggested a number of reasons why suicide
had not increased. Despite the obvious anxiety about Covid-19, the tough
lockdowns, economic ramifications and huge societal changes, he believed
economic protections;
a supposed increase in social cohesion;
increased vigilance and support from family, friends and neighbours;
reduced access to certain methods of suicide;
a sense of short-term crisis.
These could well have prevented the rise in suicide at the time, but
conclusions from previous analyses of other disasters warn that the rise
in suicide does not occur during the disaster, but afterwards. The lack
of rise in suicides was in keeping with disaster literature. A
subsequent increase in suicide - as we see happening now - is also in
keeping with disaster literature.
In the early psychological phases of disaster — ‘heroic’ and ‘honeymoon’
— you would not expect to see more suicides. They come afterwards. In
the case of a ‘slow disaster’ like Covid-19, this could be some time
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At the time, Professor Lucy Easthope, the country’s leading authority on
disaster and recovery, commented that the real time surveillance data
was very useful, but that more attention should be given to the role of
the coronial process as well as the underreporting of possible suicides
which can be recorded as either an open verdict or crucially a narrative
verdict which allows the coroner to expand on the additional factors
that led to death. Ultimately, she concluded, real time death data could
be unreliable.
She is now concerned now that ‘post-disaster conditions that may promote
hopelessness are all increased, including economic instability, domestic
violence, depression and alcohol use’ and that ‘we appear to have
incubated a real sense of nihilism and hopelessness in younger people’.
It’s a frustrating stage of the Covid-19 saga. Warnings at the time were
ignored and it is painful for experts such as Easthope to observe the
impact on the public of chronic disaster and delayed support for
physical and mental health, not to mention the toll on response workers
who ‘tend to feel let down and morally injured by the state’.
‘It’s particularly important to consider long-term suicide when risk
assessing economic policies,’ says Easthope. ‘Things like furlough
schemes have positives but also come with substantial emotional
negatives such as future redundancy, effects on self-worth, esteem and
purpose. All disaster decisions come with negatives, there are no purely
perfect answers. Discussion of the negatives was not welcomed and people
like me were seen as pessimistic if we raised suicide as a result of
Cabinet or Treasury decisions. It was very hard to get traction in 2020
and 2021 with these concerns.’
Whether suicide rates go up or go down, they are preventable and they
are always too high. It’s a tragedy for suicide rates to be the highest
in England for 25 years. If the pandemic and the never-before-used
lockdowns turn out to be a factor in this devastating trend, we could
well see the rates rise further.
According to the Samaritans one in five of us have experienced suicidal
thoughts. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face
In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).
Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the UK & elsewhere is by
rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
"convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and
self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
longer effective.
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Laus DEO !
Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-23 14:09:16 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
APR 20, 2024
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest report
of quarterly suicide death registrations in England for Quarter 4
(October to December) of 2023. Unfortunately, it shows a 6% rise, which
is the highest national rate of suicides since 1999. There were 1,439
suicides registered in Quarter 4, equivalent to 11.4 suicide deaths per
100,000 people. Overall there were 5,579 suicides registered in England,
which is significantly higher than 2021 and 2020.
It’s difficult to attribute causes to individual suicides, as well as
trends. While it is important to to be responsible and circumspect when
speculating, this notable and recent upshift in suicide deaths should be
analysed and monitored.
The ONS figures need to be interpreted with some caution because there
is a delay in coronial inquests, meaning that only 39.3% of the deaths
registered in 2023 had a date of death in the same year, and some of the
deaths occurred in 2022 and 2021. Crucially, this means that we should
be cautious about making conclusions for 2023 at the moment as there
will still be a large number of suicides that occurred in 2023 which
have not yet been registered.
So what might have caused the trend? Professor Louis Appleby who chairs
the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group has commented on
the uptick in suicides on Twitter. He suggested that the likeliest cause
is the economic downturn and cost of living crisis. Historically
recessions cause suicide rates to increase. The North East, North West
and East of England have seen the most significant increases in suicide,
but the North East, Midlands and London are actually the three regions
with the highest levels of poverty, so this theory does not necessarily
tally up neatly. The significant jump in the North West specifically
might indicate a change in the way deaths have been recorded. The
economic effect Appleby proposes would also not easily explain that the
increase for women was greatest in the over 60s.
Could there be another factor? Appleby has zoned in on the economy for
obvious and sound reasons, but has so far ignored a key factor.
In April 2021, Professor Appleby was the Lead Author of the report
‘Suicide in England in the COVID-19 pandemic: Early observational data
from real time surveillance’, analysing ’real time surveillance’ (RTS)
of suspected suicides during the pandemic and lockdowns. Despite greater
distress, the study did not find evidence of an increase in suicide
rates. Ensuing ONS month by month data for 2020 and 2021 also showed no
increase in suicides.
There was a vital caveat which needed to applied to this data which,
although present within the ONS report, wasn’t given much weight by
people who endorsed the findings: it was too early to be sure. Suicide
is a verdict given by a coronial court, and does not operate in ‘real
time’. Some courts were running almost a year behind on case load during
the pandemic. This was not something to be ignored in favour of real
time data — the coronial verdict is not simply a rubber stamping
process. Analysis based on real time surveillance might have delivered a
reassuring answer at the time to people who wanted to believe that the
pandemic, lockdowns and other distressing NPIs didn’t ultimately lead to
the most tragic consequences, but it was too soon to deliver a verdict.
Indeed, Appleby’s tweet thread on 12th April 2023, just over a year ago,
month for Covid years 2020 & 2021, compared to earlier years. Graph
shows no rise in these years overall, or any month, or any period of
pandemic, including lockdown.
What can we learn from this?
It may tell us something about the protective power of social cohesion,
of looking out for each other, of community, with its message of
acceptance & concern.
If so, we need to hang on to it. It hasn’t looked in strong supply lately.
It may confirm something we saw after the 2008 recession, the
life-saving impact of economic support - for people on benefits or in
debt or fearing for their jobs & homes.
Particularly important as we head further into the cost of living crisis.
It reminds us to look at the evidence, no matter what the headlines claim.
Or the Twitter “likes”.
Or the academics who should know better.
Or the current attempt at revisionism in the media.'
Type your email...
In a National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental
Health presentation, Appleby suggested a number of reasons why suicide
had not increased. Despite the obvious anxiety about Covid-19, the tough
lockdowns, economic ramifications and huge societal changes, he believed
economic protections;
a supposed increase in social cohesion;
increased vigilance and support from family, friends and neighbours;
reduced access to certain methods of suicide;
a sense of short-term crisis.
These could well have prevented the rise in suicide at the time, but
conclusions from previous analyses of other disasters warn that the rise
in suicide does not occur during the disaster, but afterwards. The lack
of rise in suicides was in keeping with disaster literature. A
subsequent increase in suicide - as we see happening now - is also in
keeping with disaster literature.
In the early psychological phases of disaster — ‘heroic’ and ‘honeymoon’
— you would not expect to see more suicides. They come afterwards. In
the case of a ‘slow disaster’ like Covid-19, this could be some time
To receive all new posts and support my work, please subscribe.
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At the time, Professor Lucy Easthope, the country’s leading authority on
disaster and recovery, commented that the real time surveillance data
was very useful, but that more attention should be given to the role of
the coronial process as well as the underreporting of possible suicides
which can be recorded as either an open verdict or crucially a narrative
verdict which allows the coroner to expand on the additional factors
that led to death. Ultimately, she concluded, real time death data could
be unreliable.
She is now concerned now that ‘post-disaster conditions that may promote
hopelessness are all increased, including economic instability, domestic
violence, depression and alcohol use’ and that ‘we appear to have
incubated a real sense of nihilism and hopelessness in younger people’.
It’s a frustrating stage of the Covid-19 saga. Warnings at the time were
ignored and it is painful for experts such as Easthope to observe the
impact on the public of chronic disaster and delayed support for
physical and mental health, not to mention the toll on response workers
who ‘tend to feel let down and morally injured by the state’.
‘It’s particularly important to consider long-term suicide when risk
assessing economic policies,’ says Easthope. ‘Things like furlough
schemes have positives but also come with substantial emotional
negatives such as future redundancy, effects on self-worth, esteem and
purpose. All disaster decisions come with negatives, there are no purely
perfect answers. Discussion of the negatives was not welcomed and people
like me were seen as pessimistic if we raised suicide as a result of
Cabinet or Treasury decisions. It was very hard to get traction in 2020
and 2021 with these concerns.’
Whether suicide rates go up or go down, they are preventable and they
are always too high. It’s a tragedy for suicide rates to be the highest
in England for 25 years. If the pandemic and the never-before-used
lockdowns turn out to be a factor in this devastating trend, we could
well see the rates rise further.
According to the Samaritans one in five of us have experienced suicidal
thoughts. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face
In the interim, we are 100% prepared/protected in the "full armor of
GOD" (Ephesians 6:11) which we put on as soon as we use Apostle Paul's
secret (Philippians 4:12). Though masking is less protective, it helps
us avoid the appearance of doing the evil of spreading airborne
pathogens while there are people getting sick because of not being
100% protected. It is written that we're to "abstain from **all**
appearance of doing evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22 w/**emphasis**).
Meanwhile, the only *perfect* (Matt 5:47-8 ) way to eradicate the
COVID-19 virus, thereby saving lives, in the UK & elsewhere is by
rapidly (i.e. use the "Rapid COVID-19 Test" ) finding out at any given
moment, including even while on-line, who among us are unwittingly
contagious (i.e pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to
"convince it forward" (John 15:12) for them to call their doctor and
self-quarantine per their doctor in hopes of stopping this pandemic.
Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case
scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Omicron,
Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu & Delta lineage mutations
combining via slip-RNA-replication to form hybrids like "Deltamicron"
that may render current COVID vaccines/monoclonals/medicines/pills no
longer effective.
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
17:37 means no COVID just as eagles circling over their food have no
COVID) and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
Father in Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to
always say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways
including especially caring to "convince it forward" (John 15:12) with
all glory (Psalm112:1) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Laus DEO !
Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.
Just please do likewise as our LORD Jesus & I have done for you,
Michael, and http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12)
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-24 13:44:13 UTC
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface'
SHEINabout 22 hours ago
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 05:25:15 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Thank you for noting that I have no COVID.
Remote diagnoses such as Quack Chung's are USELESS, gook! You DO got
Covid and you're spreading it to Humans in your host country!
Mangina, I have no COVID!

You are a Nazi.

As a Nazi, you are, above all else, a craven coward.

You are afraid to compete with others as equals because you know you
can not measure up.

You are afraid of your own inadequacy, so you want to murder your

You are afraid of the truth, so you want to murder those who would
tell it.

You are afraid of history, so you want to murder the past, to wipe
out the knowledge of the degeneracy, cowardice and failure of National

Finally, you are afraid of the power of educated, informed adults.
Freedom of choice terrifies you… which is why you choose minor children
as sexual partners. You can not interact with competent adults in a
consensually sexual way. You need to be able to impose yourself on a
helpless victim, be it a prepubescent boy, or a patient in a mental

That is what you are, a Nazi, and there is nothing polite or honest
about it.

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:27:01 UTC
(Laura) 04/24/24 Again praying w/ Michael here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:33:24 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 Quack/KK again vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned:

"Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
ever more cursed by GOD."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

(1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


(2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


(3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


(4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


(5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are
http://WonderfullyHungry.org like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) with
all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to the LORD.


Laus DEO !

While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Bottom line:

<begin trichotomy>

(1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

(2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
stop (John 5:14) sinning.

(3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
creatures in Christ.

<end trichotomy>

Suggested further reading:

Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."
Shame on andrew, look at his red face.

The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
color of my face red for those who can see me.
'14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'
Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
would've been no reference to "now."

Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
eat food "now."

No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
instead of spiritual.

All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition
which is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you
more than ever.

Laus DEO !


someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
(in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
make His http://WDJW.great-site.net/Redeemed want even more, so that
we're even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD.

Laus DEO !
13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of
the wicked is in need.
Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
(Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.
2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed.
Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
(Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD and to
the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

Laus DEO ! !
107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
full) is evil.
14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by
giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
your hearts with food and gladness."
In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...
Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10
John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing
status. He includes himself in that status.
John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
think that Greek grammar is relevant here.
1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
cognitive deficits, is really worse.

Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
(John 5:14):


While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:35:53 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 Again, behold ...

Being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" Michael Ejercito is sin ...

... just as being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" (i.e. longing to eat
at the rich man's table) Lazarus was the rich man's sin that he wanted
Father Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers not to commit.

Just as this sinning against "wonderfully hungry" Lazarus caused the
rich man to lose his salvation despite being a "son of Abraham," we
are in danger of losing our salvation and automatically going straight
to Hell for being unkind to Michael Ejercito.


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-25 03:24:28 UTC
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface'
SHEINabout 12 hours ago
On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 06:44:13 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Mangina, I have no COVID!
Needledick, ALL gooks got COVID!
Nithing, you are wrong.
Post by Michael Ejercito
You are a Nazi.
You are a gook.
That would be betyter than being a Nazi nithing.
Post by Michael Ejercito
As a Nazi, you are, above all else
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.

Bill explains what nithings are.


Define and Dehumanize the Enemy: Jihadists as Nithings or Nidings

by Bill Levinson
It is an ancient principle of magic (which modern people recognize as
stories that reflect a society’s culture and psychology) that
knowledge of a person’s real or True Name delivers power over that
person. What it really means is that, if you know the person’s
psychology, you can gain an advantage over him. It is also well known
that the side that controls the language of an argument controls the
argument. As an example, Hamas terrorists and their enablers refer to
Israel’s military as an “occupation force” and terrorisitic violence
against civilians as “resistance.”

We have long sought a single word that strips the enemy of all
humanity, and reduces him to something less than an animal that is
worthy of nothing less than extermination. As far as we know, the
English language contains no such word, although “dreck” (garbage or
refuse) comes close. “Homo sapiens by BIRTH, subhuman by CHOICE”
describes Islamic supremacists perfectly, but it is a phrase and not a
word. We now propose to refer to Islamic supremacists as nithings or
nidings: a Scandinavian word that strips its object of all humanity.
Webster’s dictionary (1913) defines it as “A coward; a dastard; — a
term of utmost opprobrium.”

We remind readers who object to the dehumanization of Islamic
supremacists that those enemies are already attempting to dehumanize
Jews, and to a lesser degree Christians, with images that could have
come directly from Adolf Hitler. As they have chosen to sow the
dragon’s teeth, our position is that they must now reap their rightful
harvest: the complete hatred and loathing of all civilized human

Nithing or niding was more than a common insult, because Scandinavian
culture required its subject to fight a duel with the accuser or
become an outlaw: totally devoid of rights, honor, and even
recognition as a human being. Per the Wikipedia entry,

The actual meaning of the adjective argr or ragr [= Anglo-Saxon
earg] was the nature or appearance of effeminacy, especially by
obscene acts. Argr was the worst, most derogatory swearword of all
known to the Norse language. According to Icelandic law, the accused
was expected to kill the accuser at once. …If the accused did not
retort by violent attack yielding either the accuser to take his words
back or the accuser’s death, he was hence proven to be a weak and
cowardly nithing by not retorting accordingly.

A nithing was devoid of all human rights, and he was considered the
enemy of civilized humanity: a perfect depiction of Islamic
supremacists. The word therefore strips the enemy of all humanity, and
degrades him to the status of a wolf or strangler (per Scandinavian
tradition) or a virulent disease like the Black Plague. Black Plague
is a deadly and contagious disease whose vector consists of plague-
carrying rats, while the Green Plague of militant “Islam” is a deadly
and contagious ideology that is spread by bipedal rats: nidings or
nithings, non-humans that raise violent hands to all of civilized

The immediate consequence of being proven a nithing was
outlawing. The outlawed did not have any rights, he was exlex (Latin
for “outside of the legal system”), in Anglo-Saxon utlah, Middle Low
German uutlagh, Old Norse utlagr. Just as feud yielded enmity among
kinships, outlawry yielded enmity of all humanity.[63] …”Yet that is
but one aspect of outlawry. The outlaw is not only expelled from the
kinship, he is also regarded henceforth as an enemy to mankind.”

The actual definition of a nithing is somewhat more involved and
complex, and it gets into sexual perversions and zoomorphical
transformations (Loki’s transformation of himself into a mare to have
sexual intercourse with a stallion, and thus beget Odin’s horse
Sleipner is probably an example), but the following line is pertinent:
“The nithing used its malicious seid magic to destroy anything owned
and made by man, ultimately the human race and Midgard itself[6], due
to its basically unlimited envy, hate, and malice that were nith.”

"Destruction of everything owned and made by Man” (the Palestinians’
destruction of the greenhouses in Gaza comes to mind immediately) and
“unlimited envy, hate, and malice” describe militant “Islam”
perfectly, and further underscore the application of nithing or niding
to describe it. The propensity for mindless destruction also appears
in Orson Scott Card’s Alvin Maker series, in which a supernatural
enemy is known as the Unmaker: a personification of evil that is the
total antithesis of God the Creator.

The Unmaker is the main antagonist in Orson Scott Card’s
alternate history/fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker. Never
directly confronted, it is a supernatural force that breaks apart
matter and aims to destroy and consume everything and everyone. …To
make something is to oppose the Unmaker, but a point often made is
that this is futile. By natural law the Unmaker can tear down faster
than any man can build.

This also is an outstanding definition of militant “Islam” or Islamic
supremacy: an ideology that seeks to destroy everything into which it
comes in contact, and with which no reason, negotiation, or compromise
is possible.

In summary, a nithing or niding is the enemy of Civilization, a
subhuman (through its behavioral choices, and emphatically NOT due to
its racial or ethnic origin) monster with total hatred and malice
toward all human industry and arts, and worthy of nothing but
extermination like any virulent disease. This is the word we will now
apply to Islamic supremacists and their enablers, and we encourage
others to do likewise.
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:36:46 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 AgainX2, behold ...

Being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" Michael Ejercito is sin ...

... just as being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" (i.e. longing to eat
at the rich man's table) Lazarus was the rich man's sin that he wanted
Father Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers not to commit.

Just as this sinning against "wonderfully hungry" Lazarus caused the
rich man to lose his salvation despite being a "son of Abraham," we
are in danger of losing our salvation and automatically going straight
to Hell for being unkind to Michael Ejercito.


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-26 16:03:29 UTC
<Laura> 04/26/24 Again, behold ...

Being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" Michael Ejercito is sin ...

... just as being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" (i.e. longing to eat
at the rich man's table) Lazarus was the rich man's sin that he wanted
Father Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers not to commit.

Just as this sinning against "wonderfully hungry" Lazarus caused the
rich man to lose his salvation despite being a "son of Abraham," we
are in danger of losing our salvation and automatically going straight
to Hell for being unkind to Michael Ejercito.


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-30 13:59:33 UTC
<Laura> 04/30/24 Again, behold ...

Being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" Michael Ejercito is sin ...

... just as being unkind to "wonderfully hungry" (i.e. longing to eat
at the rich man's table) Lazarus was the rich man's sin that he wanted
Father Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers not to commit.

Just as this sinning against "wonderfully hungry" Lazarus caused the
rich man to lose his salvation despite being a "son of Abraham," we
are in danger of losing our salvation and automatically going straight
to Hell for being unkind to Michael Ejercito.


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:38:13 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 Again, spot the ungodly ...

... you can spot them by their vainjangling replies in this thread and
the following other USENET threads:




... which are comprised of the perishing who are either eternally
(Mark 3:29) condemned or in need of being born-again (John 3:3 & 5)
who are clearly clueless about being godly as evident by their
forgetting that GOD is successfully repetitive as are those who are in
the Holy Spirit while they are vainly (Psalm 127:1) repetitive:


So again, here's how to **really** test the spirits:

"Watch out for false prophets (i.e. spirits, leaders, teachers,
pastors, priests, etc). They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ferocious ( https://bit.ly/h_angry ) wolves."
(Matthew 7:15 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Bottom line:

If they're not saying/writing that they're
http://WonderfullyHungry.org when greeted, they're a false spirit (aka


While http://WonderfullyHungry.org , in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger for food right now (Luke 6:21a), I pray
(2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) those
who falsely teach contrary to that which is written here **and** at
http://T3WiJ.com more than ever in the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew ,
as you have asked." -- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and

"In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Very truly I tell
you, My Father will give you (My http://WDJW.net disciples) whatever
you ask in My name." (John 16:23 with parenthetical clarification)




So let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka "the
lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of the
Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa -->
M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for eternal

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:37:04 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 AgainX2, spot the ungodly ...

... you can spot them by their vainjangling replies in this thread and
the following other USENET threads:




... which are comprised of the perishing who are either eternally
(Mark 3:29) condemned or in need of being born-again (John 3:3 & 5)
who are clearly clueless about being godly as evident by their
forgetting that GOD is successfully repetitive as are those who are in
the Holy Spirit while they are vainly (Psalm 127:1) repetitive:


So again, here's how to **really** test the spirits:

"Watch out for false prophets (i.e. spirits, leaders, teachers,
pastors, priests, etc). They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ferocious ( https://bit.ly/h_angry ) wolves."
(Matthew 7:15 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Bottom line:

If they're not saying/writing that they're
http://WonderfullyHungry.org when greeted, they're a false spirit (aka


While http://WonderfullyHungry.org , in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger for food right now (Luke 6:21a), I pray
(2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) those
who falsely teach contrary to that which is written here **and** at
http://T3WiJ.com more than ever in the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew ,
as you have asked." -- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and

"In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Very truly I tell
you, My Father will give you (My http://WDJW.net disciples) whatever
you ask in My name." (John 16:23 with parenthetical clarification)




So let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka "the
lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of the
Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa -->
M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for eternal

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-26 16:03:54 UTC
<Laura> 04/26/24 Again, spot the ungodly ...

... you can spot them by their vainjangling replies in this thread and
the following other USENET threads:




... which are comprised of the perishing who are either eternally
(Mark 3:29) condemned or in need of being born-again (John 3:3 & 5)
who are clearly clueless about being godly as evident by their
forgetting that GOD is successfully repetitive as are those who are in
the Holy Spirit while they are vainly (Psalm 127:1) repetitive:


So again, here's how to **really** test the spirits:

"Watch out for false prophets (i.e. spirits, leaders, teachers,
pastors, priests, etc). They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ferocious ( https://bit.ly/h_angry ) wolves."
(Matthew 7:15 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Bottom line:

If they're not saying/writing that they're
http://WonderfullyHungry.org when greeted, they're a false spirit (aka


While http://WonderfullyHungry.org , in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger for food right now (Luke 6:21a), I pray
(2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) those
who falsely teach contrary to that which is written here **and** at
http://T3WiJ.com more than ever in the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew ,
as you have asked." -- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and

"In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Very truly I tell
you, My Father will give you (My http://WDJW.net disciples) whatever
you ask in My name." (John 16:23 with parenthetical clarification)




So let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka "the
lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of the
Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa -->
M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for eternal

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-30 13:59:58 UTC
<Laura> 04/30/24 Again, spot the ungodly ...

... you can spot them by their vainjangling replies in this thread and
the following other USENET threads:




... which are comprised of the perishing who are either eternally
(Mark 3:29) condemned or in need of being born-again (John 3:3 & 5)
who are clearly clueless about being godly as evident by their
forgetting that GOD is successfully repetitive as are those who are in
the Holy Spirit while they are vainly (Psalm 127:1) repetitive:


So again, here's how to **really** test the spirits:

"Watch out for false prophets (i.e. spirits, leaders, teachers,
pastors, priests, etc). They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ferocious ( https://bit.ly/h_angry ) wolves."
(Matthew 7:15 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Bottom line:

If they're not saying/writing that they're
http://WonderfullyHungry.org when greeted, they're a false spirit (aka


While http://WonderfullyHungry.org , in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger for food right now (Luke 6:21a), I pray
(2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) those
who falsely teach contrary to that which is written here **and** at
http://T3WiJ.com more than ever in the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew ,
as you have asked." -- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and

"In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Very truly I tell
you, My Father will give you (My http://WDJW.net disciples) whatever
you ask in My name." (John 16:23 with parenthetical clarification)




So let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka "the
lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of the
Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa -->
M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for eternal

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:40:45 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 Again behold ...

If Eve had replied to satan's greeting (Genesis 3:1) by speaking "the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help
instead of vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6), then she would not have been
deceived by the devil to her death:

Devil: "Did GOD really say ... ?" (Genesis 3:1)

Eve: "I am simply wonderfully hungry." (Phil 4:12 --> Eph 6:11)

Devil: "So you need to eat the fruit from every tree, including the
one GOD said not to."

Eve: "No, though I want to eat from every tree, I know I don't need to
because I am wonderfully hungry and not terribly hungry. Wants are not

Bottom line is as given at:

https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37)

To keep the above a secret really isn't the love (John 15:13) that GOD
has shown (Malachi 1:2-3) us and commands (John 15:12) of us so
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (Matt 28:19-20) instead.

Therefore, let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka
"the lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of
the Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa
--> M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for
eternal torment.

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:37:22 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 AgainX2 behold ...

If Eve had replied to satan's greeting (Genesis 3:1) by speaking "the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help
instead of vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6), then she would not have been
deceived by the devil to her death:

Devil: "Did GOD really say ... ?" (Genesis 3:1)

Eve: "I am simply wonderfully hungry." (Phil 4:12 --> Eph 6:11)

Devil: "So you need to eat the fruit from every tree, including the
one GOD said not to."

Eve: "No, though I want to eat from every tree, I know I don't need to
because I am wonderfully hungry and not terribly hungry. Wants are not

Bottom line is as given at:

https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37)

To keep the above a secret really isn't the love (John 15:13) that GOD
has shown (Malachi 1:2-3) us and commands (John 15:12) of us so
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (Matt 28:19-20) instead.

Therefore, let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka
"the lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of
the Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa
--> M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for
eternal torment.

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-26 16:04:20 UTC
<Laura> 04/26/24 Again behold ...

If Eve had replied to satan's greeting (Genesis 3:1) by speaking "the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help
instead of vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6), then she would not have been
deceived by the devil to her death:

Devil: "Did GOD really say ... ?" (Genesis 3:1)

Eve: "I am simply wonderfully hungry." (Phil 4:12 --> Eph 6:11)

Devil: "So you need to eat the fruit from every tree, including the
one GOD said not to."

Eve: "No, though I want to eat from every tree, I know I don't need to
because I am wonderfully hungry and not terribly hungry. Wants are not

Bottom line is as given at:

https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37)

To keep the above a secret really isn't the love (John 15:13) that GOD
has shown (Malachi 1:2-3) us and commands (John 15:12) of us so
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (Matt 28:19-20) instead.

Therefore, let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka
"the lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of
the Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa
--> M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for
eternal torment.

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-30 14:01:07 UTC
<Laura> 04/30/24 Again behold ...

If Eve had replied to satan's greeting (Genesis 3:1) by speaking "the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help
instead of vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6), then she would not have been
deceived by the devil to her death:

Devil: "Did GOD really say ... ?" (Genesis 3:1)

Eve: "I am simply wonderfully hungry." (Phil 4:12 --> Eph 6:11)

Devil: "So you need to eat the fruit from every tree, including the
one GOD said not to."

Eve: "No, though I want to eat from every tree, I know I don't need to
because I am wonderfully hungry and not terribly hungry. Wants are not

Bottom line is as given at:

https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37)

To keep the above a secret really isn't the love (John 15:13) that GOD
has shown (Malachi 1:2-3) us and commands (John 15:12) of us so
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (Matt 28:19-20) instead.

Therefore, let us not be a hangry http://tinyurl.com/ChrINOtrump (aka
"the lawless one" of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 aka **the** anti-Christ of
the Great Tribulation which is nigh at hand) else wear his mark (MaGa
--> M666) and be tossed in the "Lake of Fire" being prepared for
eternal torment.

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:43:40 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 Again, behold ...

The absolutely only way to speak "the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help is as shown at
http://WonderfullyHungry.org simply because LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth is our Number#1 Example of living "wonderfully hungry" as
exegesized at:


"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.'" (John


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:37:39 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 AgainX2, behold ...

The absolutely only way to speak "the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help is as shown at
http://WonderfullyHungry.org simply because LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth is our Number#1 Example of living "wonderfully hungry" as
exegesized at:


"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.'" (John


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-26 16:04:49 UTC
<Laura> 04/26/24 Again, behold ...

The absolutely only way to speak "the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help is as shown at
http://WonderfullyHungry.org simply because LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth is our Number#1 Example of living "wonderfully hungry" as
exegesized at:


"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.'" (John


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-30 14:01:37 UTC
<Laura> 04/30/24 Again, behold ...

The absolutely only way to speak "the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth" with GOD's Help is as shown at
http://WonderfullyHungry.org simply because LORD Jesus Christ of
Nazareth is our Number#1 Example of living "wonderfully hungry" as
exegesized at:


"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.'" (John


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:36:27 UTC
<Laura> 04/24/24 Quack/KK againX2 vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned:

"Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
ever more cursed by GOD."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

(1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


(2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


(3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


(4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


(5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are
http://WonderfullyHungry.org like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) with
all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to the LORD.


Laus DEO !

While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Bottom line:

<begin trichotomy>

(1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

(2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
stop (John 5:14) sinning.

(3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
creatures in Christ.

<end trichotomy>

Suggested further reading:

Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."
Shame on andrew, look at his red face.

The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
color of my face red for those who can see me.
'14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'
Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
would've been no reference to "now."

Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
eat food "now."

No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
instead of spiritual.

All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition
which is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you
more than ever.

Laus DEO !


someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
(in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
make His http://WDJW.great-site.net/Redeemed want even more, so that
we're even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD.

Laus DEO !
13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of
the wicked is in need.
Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
(Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.
2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed.
Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
(Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD and to
the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

Laus DEO ! !
107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
full) is evil.
14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by
giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
your hearts with food and gladness."
In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...
Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10
John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing
status. He includes himself in that status.
John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
think that Greek grammar is relevant here.
1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
cognitive deficits, is really worse.

Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
(John 5:14):


While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-26 15:54:06 UTC
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface'
SHEINa day ago
Wed, 24 Apr 2024 20:24:28 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface'
SHEINabout 12 hours ago
Post by Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE.
You are a gook - subhuman by excretion, ainlungual BY CHOICE.
There is nothing anilingual about me.

There is nothing coital about you!

The following article explains your pathology.


History's oldest hatred
By Jeff Jacoby
Globe Columnist / March 11, 2009
Email|Print|Single Page||Text size – +

ANTI-SEMITISM is an ancient derangement, the oldest of hatreds, so
it is strange that it lacks a more meaningful name. The misnomer
"anti-Semitism" - a term coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm
Marr, who wanted a scientific-sounding euphemism for Judenhass, or
Jew-hatred - is particularly inane, since hostility to Jews has never
had anything to do with Semites or being Semitic.

Perhaps there is no good name for a virus as mutable as anti-Semitism.
"The Jews have been objects of hatred in pagan, religious, and secular
societies," write Joseph Telushkin and Dennis Prager in "Why the Jews?,"
their classic study of anti-Semitism. "Fascists have accused them of
being Communists, and Communists have branded them capitalists. Jews who
live in non-Jewish societies have been accused of having dual loyalties,
while Jews who live in the Jewish state have been condemned as
'racists.' Poor Jews are bullied, and rich Jews are resented. Jews have
been branded as both rootless cosmopolitans and ethnic chauvinists. Jews
who assimilate have been called a 'fifth column,' while those who stay
together spark hatred for remaining separate."

There was Jew-hatred before there was Christianity or Islam, before
Nazism or Communism, before Zionism or the Middle East conflict. This
week Jews celebrate the festival of Purim, gathering in synagogues to
read the biblical book of Esther. Set in ancient Persia, it tells of
Haman, a powerful royal adviser who is insulted when the Jewish sage
Mordechai refuses to bow down to him. Haman resolves to wipe out the
empire's Jews and makes the case for genocide in an appeal to the king:

"There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among . . . all the
provinces of your kingdom, and their laws are different from those of
other peoples, and the king's laws they do not keep, so it is of no
benefit for the king to tolerate them. If it please the king, let it be
written that they be destroyed."

When the king agrees, Haman makes plans "to annihilate, to kill and
destroy all the Jews, the young and the elderly, children and women, in
one day . . . and to take their property for plunder."

What drives such bloodlust? Haman's indictment accuses the Jews of
lacking national loyalty, of insinuating themselves throughout the
empire, of flouting the king's law. But the Jews of Persia had done
nothing to justify Haman's murderous anti-Semitism - just as Jews in
later ages did nothing that justified their persecution under the Church
or Islam, or their repression at the hands of Russian czars and Soviet
commissars, or their slaughter by Nazi Germany. When the president of
Iran today calls for the extirpation of the Jewish state, when firebombs
are hurled at synagogues in London and Paris and Chicago, it is not
because Jews deserve to be victimized.

Many Jews are no saints, but the paranoid frenzy that is anti-Semitism
is not explained by what Jews do, but by what they are. They are the
object of anti-Semitism, not its cause. That is why the haters'
rationales can be so wildly inconsistent and their agendas so
contradictory. What do those who vilify Jews as greedy bankers have in
common with those who revile them as fiendish Bolsheviks? Nothing, save
an irrational obsession with Jews.

At one point, Haman lets the mask slip. He boasts to his friends and
family of "the glory of his riches, and the great number of his sons,
and everything in which the king had promoted him and elevated him."
Still, he seethes with rage and frustration: "Yet all this is worthless
to me so long as I see Mordechai the Jew sitting at the king's gate."
That is the unforgivable offense: "Mordechai the Jew" refuses to blend
in, to be just like everyone else. He goes on sitting there -
undigested, unassimilated, and therefore unbearable.

Of course Haman had his ostensible reasons for targeting Jews. So did
Hitler and Arafat, so does Ahmadinejad. Sometimes the anti-Semite
focuses on the Jew's religion, sometimes on his laws and lifestyle,
sometimes on his professional achievements. Under it all, however, it is
the Jew's Jewishness that the anti-Semite cannot abide.

With all their flaws and failings, the Jewish people endure, their role
in history not yet finished. So the world's oldest hatred endures too,
as obsessive and indestructible - and deadly - as ever.
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-26 16:03:01 UTC
<Laura> 04/26/24 Quack/KK again vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned:

"Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
ever more cursed by GOD."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

(1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


(2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


(3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


(4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


(5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are
http://WonderfullyHungry.org like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) with
all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to the LORD.


Laus DEO !

While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Bottom line:

<begin trichotomy>

(1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

(2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
stop (John 5:14) sinning.

(3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
creatures in Christ.

<end trichotomy>

Suggested further reading:

Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."
Shame on andrew, look at his red face.

The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
color of my face red for those who can see me.
'14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'
Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
would've been no reference to "now."

Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
eat food "now."

No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
instead of spiritual.

All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition
which is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you
more than ever.

Laus DEO !


someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
(in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
make His http://WDJW.great-site.net/Redeemed want even more, so that
we're even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD.

Laus DEO !
13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of
the wicked is in need.
Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
(Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.
2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed.
Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
(Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD and to
the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

Laus DEO ! !
107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
full) is evil.
14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by
giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
your hearts with food and gladness."
In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...
Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10
John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing
status. He includes himself in that status.
John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
think that Greek grammar is relevant here.
1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
cognitive deficits, is really worse.

Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
(John 5:14):


While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-30 13:59:11 UTC
<Laura> 04/30/24 Quack/KK again vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned:

"Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
ever more cursed by GOD."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

(1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


(2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


(3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


(4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


(5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are
http://WonderfullyHungry.org like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) with
all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to the LORD.


Laus DEO !

While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Bottom line:

<begin trichotomy>

(1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

(2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
stop (John 5:14) sinning.

(3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
creatures in Christ.

<end trichotomy>

Suggested further reading:

Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."
Shame on andrew, look at his red face.

The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
color of my face red for those who can see me.
'14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'
Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
would've been no reference to "now."

Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
eat food "now."

No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
instead of spiritual.

All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition
which is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you
more than ever.

Laus DEO !


someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
(in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
make His http://WDJW.great-site.net/Redeemed want even more, so that
we're even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD.

Laus DEO !
13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of
the wicked is in need.
Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
(Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.
2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed.
Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
(Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD and to
the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

Laus DEO ! !
107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
full) is evil.
14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by
giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
your hearts with food and gladness."
In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...
Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10
John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing
status. He includes himself in that status.
John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
think that Greek grammar is relevant here.
1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
cognitive deficits, is really worse.

Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
(John 5:14):


While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-24 14:45:45 UTC
(Laura) 04/24/24 Again, behold in wide-eyed wonder ...

GOD uses all things, which include the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned
such as LoosePeeledRiainDeborahQuackIdiot fake-KK(QQ)-nymshifter et
al, for the good of the wonderfully hungry which includes confirming
the infinite (Phil 4:13) power of an eternal (John 3:16) medical
license to their infinite chagrin:

Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
Listen you ignorant gook, Markea Blakely-Berry was wonderfully hungry ...
No, tragically she was not.

Instead, her mom was wonderfully hungry and to this day is
saying/writing she's wonderfully hungry when she's greeted while her
daughter never did.

Outside of the Holy Spirit, all ordinary humans are always terribly
hungry as evident by their always misbehaving terribly acting like
Markea running away from her mom to eat rotting food from the bottom
of a Walmart dumpster to become terribly **not** hungry (i.e. full).
Outside of the Holy Spirit, she was listening to satan who is indeed
the fraud/quack.

She starved to death.
Actually, her wonderfully hungry mom describing Markea having seizures
as she became unresponsive means instead of starvation, there was a
neurological event (i.e. brain parasite) because the ketones from
starvation would've suppressed seizures.

Here's a recent documented example of brain parasites from tainted
food as an illustration:

"A middle-aged man in the US with a history of consuming undercooked
'soft' bacon for years has been found to have tapeworm larva infecting
his brain, doctors reported in a new study."

Name: Andrew Ben-Hua Chung
Designation: MD
Lic #: 40347
Profession: Physician
Subtype: Full
Status: Lapsed
Issued: 8/3/1995
Expires: 7/31/2017
Street Address: **********
County: Cobb
Country: United States
Public Document 04-40347
Comes now, the Georgia Composite Medical Board and hereby enters an
Order after reviewing the Initial Decision in the above styled case.
After hearing the argument and testimony of the Appellant herein,
Andrew Ben-Hua Chung, M.D., the Board finds as follows after
FINDINGS OF FACT: The Board agrees with the initial decision.
The Board agrees with the initial decision regarding conclusions of
The Board Orders that the respondent's license is revoked instanter.
This the 9th day of March 2017.
All glory to GOD for His sending COVID-19 to kill off the members of
the Board ("Vengeance is Mine," says the LORD, "and I will avenge")
and show that, in the Holy Spirit, https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew has
an eternal (John 3:16) medical license as evident by his eradicating
the virus by using #WTEC at http://WonderfullyHungry.org for all to

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )
As the Peeler pointed out, he still has his doctorate!
And as GOD continues to show via http://WonderfullyHungry.org ,
https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew now has an infinitely (Philippians 4:13)
more powerful & effective (Mark 16:18) eternal (John 3:16) medical
license from the same GOD Who licensed Dr. Luke in the Bible.

Laus DEO :-)

In the interim, while wonderfully hungry (
https://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy Spirit (Galatians
5:22-23), Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, who are headed
straight to Hell, more than ever withering them away, in the Wonderful
(Isaiah 9:6) name (John 16:23) of our LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew "
-- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and http://WDJW.net

"In that day you (who are My disciples) will no longer ask Me
anything. Very truly I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you
ask in My name." (John 16:23 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:38:10 UTC
(Laura) 04/24/24 AgainX2, behold in wide-eyed wonder ...

GOD uses all things, which include the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned
such as LoosePeeledRiainDeborahQuackIdiot fake-KK(QQ)-nymshifter et
al, for the good of the wonderfully hungry which includes confirming
the infinite (Phil 4:13) power of an eternal (John 3:16) medical
license to their infinite chagrin:

Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
Listen you ignorant gook, Markea Blakely-Berry was wonderfully hungry ...
No, tragically she was not.

Instead, her mom was wonderfully hungry and to this day is
saying/writing she's wonderfully hungry when she's greeted while her
daughter never did.

Outside of the Holy Spirit, all ordinary humans are always terribly
hungry as evident by their always misbehaving terribly acting like
Markea running away from her mom to eat rotting food from the bottom
of a Walmart dumpster to become terribly **not** hungry (i.e. full).
Outside of the Holy Spirit, she was listening to satan who is indeed
the fraud/quack.
She starved to death.
Actually, her wonderfully hungry mom describing Markea having seizures
as she became unresponsive means instead of starvation, there was a
neurological event (i.e. brain parasite) because the ketones from
starvation would've suppressed seizures.

Here's a recent documented example of brain parasites from tainted
food as an illustration:

"A middle-aged man in the US with a history of consuming undercooked
'soft' bacon for years has been found to have tapeworm larva infecting
his brain, doctors reported in a new study."

Name: Andrew Ben-Hua Chung
Designation: MD
Lic #: 40347
Profession: Physician
Subtype: Full
Status: Lapsed
Issued: 8/3/1995
Expires: 7/31/2017
Street Address: **********
County: Cobb
Country: United States
Public Document 04-40347
Comes now, the Georgia Composite Medical Board and hereby enters an
Order after reviewing the Initial Decision in the above styled case.
After hearing the argument and testimony of the Appellant herein,
Andrew Ben-Hua Chung, M.D., the Board finds as follows after
FINDINGS OF FACT: The Board agrees with the initial decision.
The Board agrees with the initial decision regarding conclusions of
The Board Orders that the respondent's license is revoked instanter.
This the 9th day of March 2017.
All glory to GOD for His sending COVID-19 to kill off the members of
the Board ("Vengeance is Mine," says the LORD, "and I will avenge")
and show that, in the Holy Spirit, https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew has
an eternal (John 3:16) medical license as evident by his eradicating
the virus by using #WTEC at http://WonderfullyHungry.org for all to

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )
As the Peeler pointed out, he still has his doctorate!
And as GOD continues to show via http://WonderfullyHungry.org ,
https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew now has an infinitely (Philippians 4:13)
more powerful & effective (Mark 16:18) eternal (John 3:16) medical
license from the same GOD Who licensed Dr. Luke in the Bible.

Laus DEO :-)

In the interim, while wonderfully hungry (
https://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy Spirit (Galatians
5:22-23), Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, who are headed
straight to Hell, more than ever withering them away, in the Wonderful
(Isaiah 9:6) name (John 16:23) of our LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew "
-- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and http://WDJW.net

"In that day you (who are My disciples) will no longer ask Me
anything. Very truly I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you
ask in My name." (John 16:23 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-26 16:05:30 UTC
(Laura) 04/26/24 Again, behold in wide-eyed wonder ...

GOD uses all things, which include the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned
such as LoosePeeledRiainDeborahQuackIdiot fake-KK(QQ)-nymshifter et
al, for the good of the wonderfully hungry which includes confirming
the infinite (Phil 4:13) power of an eternal (John 3:16) medical
license to their infinite chagrin:

Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
Listen you ignorant gook, Markea Blakely-Berry was wonderfully hungry ...
No, tragically she was not.

Instead, her mom was wonderfully hungry and to this day is
saying/writing she's wonderfully hungry when she's greeted while her
daughter never did.

Outside of the Holy Spirit, all ordinary humans are always terribly
hungry as evident by their always misbehaving terribly acting like
Markea running away from her mom to eat rotting food from the bottom
of a Walmart dumpster to become terribly **not** hungry (i.e. full).
Outside of the Holy Spirit, she was listening to satan who is indeed
the fraud/quack.
She starved to death.
Actually, her wonderfully hungry mom describing Markea having seizures
as she became unresponsive means instead of starvation, there was a
neurological event (i.e. brain parasite) because the ketones from
starvation would've suppressed seizures.

Here's a recent documented example of brain parasites from tainted
food as an illustration:

"A middle-aged man in the US with a history of consuming undercooked
'soft' bacon for years has been found to have tapeworm larva infecting
his brain, doctors reported in a new study."

Name: Andrew Ben-Hua Chung
Designation: MD
Lic #: 40347
Profession: Physician
Subtype: Full
Status: Lapsed
Issued: 8/3/1995
Expires: 7/31/2017
Street Address: **********
County: Cobb
Country: United States
Public Document 04-40347
Comes now, the Georgia Composite Medical Board and hereby enters an
Order after reviewing the Initial Decision in the above styled case.
After hearing the argument and testimony of the Appellant herein,
Andrew Ben-Hua Chung, M.D., the Board finds as follows after
FINDINGS OF FACT: The Board agrees with the initial decision.
The Board agrees with the initial decision regarding conclusions of
The Board Orders that the respondent's license is revoked instanter.
This the 9th day of March 2017.
All glory to GOD for His sending COVID-19 to kill off the members of
the Board ("Vengeance is Mine," says the LORD, "and I will avenge")
and show that, in the Holy Spirit, https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew has
an eternal (John 3:16) medical license as evident by his eradicating
the virus by using #WTEC at http://WonderfullyHungry.org for all to

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )
As the Peeler pointed out, he still has his doctorate!
And as GOD continues to show via http://WonderfullyHungry.org ,
https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew now has an infinitely (Philippians 4:13)
more powerful & effective (Mark 16:18) eternal (John 3:16) medical
license from the same GOD Who licensed Dr. Luke in the Bible.

Laus DEO :-)

In the interim, while wonderfully hungry (
https://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy Spirit (Galatians
5:22-23), Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, who are headed
straight to Hell, more than ever withering them away, in the Wonderful
(Isaiah 9:6) name (John 16:23) of our LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew "
-- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and http://WDJW.net

"In that day you (who are My disciples) will no longer ask Me
anything. Very truly I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you
ask in My name." (John 16:23 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Michael Ejercito
2024-04-30 12:41:44 UTC
Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN4 ys ago
ReplyPermalinkOn Fri, 26 Apr 2024 08:54:06 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article explains your pathology.
Zsuckling jew ani explains yours.
You are so obsessed with sucking ani.
BTW what happened to your grik fiancee the Foreskin PEELER? Did he
get sucked into some jew anus he was licking?
The Peeler can not be my fiancee, for I am a MAN.

It would not surprise me if he was enjoying Judenfraulein (or any)
vulva as I type this!

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-30 14:02:01 UTC
(Laura) 04/30/24 Again, behold in wide-eyed wonder ...

GOD uses all things, which include the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned
such as LoosePeeledRiainDeborahQuackIdiot fake-KK(QQ)-nymshifter et
al, for the good of the wonderfully hungry which includes confirming
the infinite (Phil 4:13) power of an eternal (John 3:16) medical
license to their infinite chagrin:

Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry (
) and hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
Listen you ignorant gook, Markea Blakely-Berry was wonderfully hungry ...
No, tragically she was not.

Instead, her mom was wonderfully hungry and to this day is
saying/writing she's wonderfully hungry when she's greeted while her
daughter never did.

Outside of the Holy Spirit, all ordinary humans are always terribly
hungry as evident by their always misbehaving terribly acting like
Markea running away from her mom to eat rotting food from the bottom
of a Walmart dumpster to become terribly **not** hungry (i.e. full).
Outside of the Holy Spirit, she was listening to satan who is indeed
the fraud/quack.
She starved to death.
Actually, her wonderfully hungry mom describing Markea having seizures
as she became unresponsive means instead of starvation, there was a
neurological event (i.e. brain parasite) because the ketones from
starvation would've suppressed seizures.

Here's a recent documented example of brain parasites from tainted
food as an illustration:

"A middle-aged man in the US with a history of consuming undercooked
'soft' bacon for years has been found to have tapeworm larva infecting
his brain, doctors reported in a new study."

Name: Andrew Ben-Hua Chung
Designation: MD
Lic #: 40347
Profession: Physician
Subtype: Full
Status: Lapsed
Issued: 8/3/1995
Expires: 7/31/2017
Street Address: **********
County: Cobb
Country: United States
Public Document 04-40347
Comes now, the Georgia Composite Medical Board and hereby enters an
Order after reviewing the Initial Decision in the above styled case.
After hearing the argument and testimony of the Appellant herein,
Andrew Ben-Hua Chung, M.D., the Board finds as follows after
FINDINGS OF FACT: The Board agrees with the initial decision.
The Board agrees with the initial decision regarding conclusions of
The Board Orders that the respondent's license is revoked instanter.
This the 9th day of March 2017.
All glory to GOD for His sending COVID-19 to kill off the members of
the Board ("Vengeance is Mine," says the LORD, "and I will avenge")
and show that, in the Holy Spirit, https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew has
an eternal (John 3:16) medical license as evident by his eradicating
the virus by using #WTEC at http://WonderfullyHungry.org for all to

Laus DEO ( https://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 )
As the Peeler pointed out, he still has his doctorate!
And as GOD continues to show via http://WonderfullyHungry.org ,
https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew now has an infinitely (Philippians 4:13)
more powerful & effective (Mark 16:18) eternal (John 3:16) medical
license from the same GOD Who licensed Dr. Luke in the Bible.

Laus DEO :-)

In the interim, while wonderfully hungry (
https://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy Spirit (Galatians
5:22-23), Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) the eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, who are headed
straight to Hell, more than ever withering them away, in the Wonderful
(Isaiah 9:6) name (John 16:23) of our LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

"This is being done for you, disciple https://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew "
-- Holy Spirit referring to John 16:23 and http://WDJW.net

"In that day you (who are My disciples) will no longer ask Me
anything. Very truly I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you
ask in My name." (John 16:23 w/ parenthetical clarification)


Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike dead http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-04-25 03:36:07 UTC
(Laura) 04/24/24 AgainX2 praying w/ Michael here ...

Quack Andrew B. Chung = SHEIN = Anita = jew paedophile BARRY 'jewface' SHEIN
2024-04-23 12:31:05 UTC
On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:58:50 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
The rise in suicide
Suicide rates are now the highest they have been in England for 25 years.
What POSSIBLE relevance can suicide rates in England have to a Flip
Chinaman infesting the US such as you, gook?

You're not even ELIGIBLE to enter England. If you try to get in
illegally, like you got into the US, you will be sent to Rwanda!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else

- -


Boedicea said about the gook: Actually, it is obvious
he's not all there. Most wannabes are short on IQ and
have severe mental problems. I have yet to see a post
from this cretin that makes sense. Usually, he just
does his "You are a Nazi........." and even *that* he
aped from some other imbecile. His other attempts at
posting in usenet usually consist of one line or even
one word drivel. IMO he's using the computer in the
therapy room of his local nutfarm.