Kung Flu mutating BECAUSE of the vaccine?
(too old to reply)
2021-08-01 18:21:53 UTC

It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys" who
are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."

If that turns out to be the case, will Dr. Fauxci and the CDC backpedal and
say, "Oops, we had it all wrong"? Yeah, SURE.

Now the loonie Left is pushing for a FEDERAL vaccination mandate, where you
eventually won't be able to do ANYTHING unless your Covid shot record is up
to date.

Enjoy your future, little snowflakes. I've lived a full life. Yours is just
getting started. I wish you the best of luck. You're gonna be needing it...
Rod Speed
2021-08-01 19:32:45 UTC
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.

<reams of even sillier shit flushed where it belongs>
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-08-01 21:47:31 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-08-03 13:41:44 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-08-23 16:21:28 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-08-25 18:38:53 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-08-25 19:36:40 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-08-25 19:39:57 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-09-07 00:05:05 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-09-07 00:05:23 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-11-08 20:57:04 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-11-08 20:57:04 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-11-27 23:24:31 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-11-27 23:24:32 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-11-29 04:10:42 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-11-29 04:10:43 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-12-05 15:38:03 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-12-05 15:38:03 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-12-06 23:02:19 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
2021-12-06 23:41:54 UTC

(c) 2021 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 3 December, 2021

For people of faith, the expression and manifestation of that faith is
essential to their very identity and person. So then I wonder what they
think of our GLBTIQ Bible?


DOLF @ 0011 HOURS ON 22 NOVEMBER 2021: "Thusly

One produces the circle
Two produces yang / yin (within)
Three produces the segmentation


[IMAGES: Wuji (left) 無極, literally "without ridgepole" originally meant
"ultimate" but came to mean the "primordial universe", "Ultimateless",
"Limitless" or "the ultimate of Nothingness" and is prior to the Taiji
(right) 太極, literally "great pole" which is the "Supreme Ultimate"]




    #325 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* ON 25 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#20, #4, #300,
#1] /
#305 as [#4, #300, #1] = desheʼ (H1877): {UMBRA: #305 % #41 = #18} 1)
grass, new grass, green herb, vegetation, young;


UMBRA: #305 % #41 = #18 - Origin of Ethical Concepts, Palliation of
Vulgarity; I-Ching: H33 - Withdrawal, Retiring, Retreat, Yielding; Tetra:
49 - Flight;

THOTH MEASURE: #18 - Oh Tutuf, who makest thine appearance in Ati; I
trouble myself only with my own affairs.

    #VIRTUE: As to Waiting (no. #18), it exits.
    #TOOLS: As to Closing in (no. #58), it enters.
    #POSITION: As to Release (no. #21), it is softness, but
    #TIME: As to Hardness (no. #72), it is leathery toughness.
    #CANON: #169

   @1: Sup: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#18); Ego: 18 - WAITING: HSI (#18),
   @2: Sup: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU (#94); Ego: 58 - GATHERING IN: HSI (#76),
   @3: Sup: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#110); Ego: 21 - RELEASE: SHIH (#97),
   @4: Sup: 7 - ASCENT: SHANG (#117); Ego: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#169 - I
   Male: #117; Feme: #169
} // #169

#372 as [#70, #300, #2] = ʻeseb (H6212): {UMBRA: #372 % #41 = #3} 1) herb,
herbage, grass, green plants;


UMBRA: #372 % #41 = #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 -
Climbing, Moving / Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition;

THOTH MEASURE: #3 - Oh thou of the Nose, who makest thine appearance at
Chemunnu; I am not evil minded.

    #VIRTUE: With Mired (no. #3), great woe.
    #TOOLS: With Encounters (no. #43), small desire.
    #POSITION: The ways of Purity (no. #37) and ...
    #TIME: Pattern (no. #47) where some are simple and some are complex?
    #CANON: #130

   @1: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3); Ego: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#3),
   @2: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#49); Ego: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#46),
   @3: Sup: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#51); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI
   @4: Sup: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#100); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#130 -
   Male: #100; Feme: #130
} // #130

    #176 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* ON 25 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#6, #70, #90,
#10] / [#70, #90, #10, #6] / 
    #190 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* ON 25
NOVEMBER 2021 as [#70, #90, #10, #500] / [#30, #70, #900] / 
#160 as [#70,
#90] / [#70, #900] = ʻêts (H6086): {UMBRA: #160 % #41 = #37} 1) tree, wood,
timber, stock, plank, stalk, stick, gallows; 1a) tree, trees; 1b) wood,
pieces of wood, gallows, firewood, cedar-wood, woody flax;


UMBRA: #160 % #41 = #37 - Non-Deeming Action, Government Administration;
I-Ching: H40 - Release, Deliverance, Taking-Apart, Untangled; Tetra: 21 -

THOTH MEASURE: #37 - Oh Striker, who makest thine appearance in Heaven; I
am not one of loud voice.

    #VIRTUE: Purity (no. #37) means the Way of the ruler.
    #TOOLS: Compliance (no. #77) means the subject’s preservation.
    #POSITION: With Penetration (no. #14), a sharp advance.
    #TIME: With Dimming (no. #68), an impeded walk.
    #CANON: #196

   @1: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#37); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#37),
   @2: Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#70); Ego: 77 - COMPLIANCE: HSUN (#114),
   @3: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#117); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#128).
   @4: Sup: 34 - KINSHIP: CH'IN (#151); Ego: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#196 - I
   Male: #151; Feme: #196
} // #196

There are three elements GRASS-@169, HERB-@130 and TREE-@196 to this
Genesis narrative which conveys a segmentation “after his kind”...

TOTAL CONCEPT #495 = @169 + @130 + @196

#495 as [#60, #2, #10, #2, #6, #400, #10, #5] = çâbîyb (H5439): {UMBRA: #74
% #41 = #33} 1) places round about, circuit, round about; 2) in a circuit,
a circuit, round about; 3) in the circuit, from every side;

סָבִיב çâbîyb, saw-beeb'; or (feminine) סְבִיבָה çᵉbîybâh; from H5437; (as
noun) a *CIRCLE*, neighbour, or environs; but chiefly (as adverb, with or
without preposition) around:—(place, round) about, circuit, compass, on
every side.


- Segment (handwriting), the pen-tip trajectory between two defined points
- Segment (linguistics), a discrete unit of speech
- Speech segmentation, identifying the boundaries between words in spoken
- Text segmentation, dividing written text into meaningful units

Thus the question is whether the Chinese language rudiments are a derived
segmentation since the strokes are discrete elements.

So I would like to know the answer to the epistemological consideration as
to whether the Chinese language rudiments were conceived against the
appraisals paradigm …"

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0011 HOURS ON 22 NOVEMBER 2021: "Okay. Not sure
how the Bible is associated with Tao Chia.

Some eclectic thinkers think in terms of Perennial Philosophy.


Mystical experiences vary."

DOLF @ 0716 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "The question then is whether the
education is effective or just reinforcing a trinomial / ternary <->
binomial / binary {@1, @5} adverse consequence."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1217 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "Do you have a
name for your 369 magic square?"

DOLF @ 1232 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "The #369 by itself is wan wu.

But the 9x9x9 is the uncared block which conveys seven #369 arrays within a
specific order… so while I deploy the CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERY at the ninth
layer I reference the Dao Te CHING by such ordering and apply the TETRA to
the fourth as dominion {#1, #11, #21, #31, #41, #51, #61, #71, #81}.

The eighth is a transformative prototype and I have identified four of


ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1306 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "In terms of
Taoism, Tao Chia that is, for me, pu, is what would be the uncarved block,

DOLF @ 1341 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "Here is the CANON OF SUPREME
MYSTERY mapping to the I CHING hexagrams of 4 BCE as the course of nature.


The T'AI HSÜAN CHING then deploys this mappings as {POLAR OPPOSITIONS /
INTERPLAY OF OPPOSITES} to deduce the ONTIC (ie. centre of circle)

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1442 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "You appear to be
mixing and matching various different forms of something. I don't know what
Trochos is.

No idea what James 3:6 says.

I can google both of them. Maybe that would help.

Trochos might mean, wheel.

James 3:6 talks about the tongue.

I have no idea how a wheel, in Greek, relates to the tongue in James'

DOLF @ 1509 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "The wheel is the following:

#71 #1 #11
#61 #81 #21
#51 #41 #31

<Loading Image...>

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1545 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "I don't know
what the #81 tetra means. Tetra, I suppose, means four.

Hexagrams might refer to the I-Ching diagrams.

Eighty-one reminds me of the 9x9 369 magic square."

DOLF @ 1558 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "The Tetra are each number
compromised of this formulation:

0, 27, 54 <— unity of apperception
0, 9, 18
0, 3, 6 <— following numbers are all divisions of three
1, 2, 3

It is generally agreed by Taoist scholars that Tao produced One means Wuji
produced Taiji, and One produced Two means Taiji produced Yin and Yang [or
Liangyi (兩儀) in scholastic term]. However, the subject of how Two produced
Three has remained a popular debate among Taoist Scholars. Most scholars
believe that it refers to the Interaction between Yin and Yang, with the
presence of Chi, or life force.

Thusly every number #81 and everything #369 is made up from the possibility
of the one, two or three. From the Taoist classic Tao Te Ching, it was held
that "The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three
produced All things."

For instance #30 - BOLD RESOLUTION is comprised:

+ 27 - once broken (#2)
+ 0 - none broken (#1)
+ 0 - none broken (#1)
+ 3 - twice broken (#3)

3 - Nature surmounts nature / #10 - totality of nature = BOLD RESOLUTION

The Tetra mapping is here


The 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54 are divisible by 3 in conformity to the Dao notion
that the 3 produces all.

That the unnamed DAO might be considered as accessible by NUMBER and not
the spoken word."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1552 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "I do understand,
in my own way, you appear to have a complicated method of arriving at
something. What that something is, I don't know.

Day by day, presumably, you can document a Dao.

Whether that Dao is the same Dao as found in the Dao De Jing (DDJ) could be
a wonder.

If it's wu-wei, that'd be a thing. If it's wu-xin, that may be a Dao.

No-mind. Spontaneous.

Those types of Dao are, in my opinion, some of the Dao of Daojia, aka
Daoist Philosophy.”

DOLF @ 1601 HOURS ON 23 NOVEMBER 2021: "It is entirely spontaneous since I
can do a time check and cohere the category of Understanding—it is immense

<https://www.grapple369.com/?time:16.01> <-- intersects with the day as
well as time

#400 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* as [#20, #40, #60, #80, #200] /
#380 as [#40, #60, #80, #200] = miçpâr (H4557): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11}
1) number, tale; 1a) number; 1a1) number; 1a2) *INNUMERABLE* (with
negative); 1a3) few, numerable (alone); 1a4) by count, in number, according
to number (with prep); 1b) recounting, relation;

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0030 HOURS ON 24 NOVEMBER 2021: "So, you are
attempting to increase your understanding, apperceptions, by building on
what you know, to unify your self in some fashion?

If so, I can see how that might work.”

DOLF @ 0712 HOURS ON 24 NOVEMBER 2021: "That I have made a statement and
then performed a time check against my appraisal paradigm to find that the
idea in this instance is there.

YOUTUBE: "Gregorian - gloria (feat. narcis)”

#442 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* as [#2, #400, #5, #30, #5] /
#440 as [#400, #5, #30, #5] = tᵉhillâh (H8416): {UMBRA: #440 % #41 = #30}
1) *PRAISE*, *SONG* *OR* *HYMN* *OF* *PRAISE*; 1a) praise, adoration,
thanksgiving (paid to God); 1b) act of general or public praise; 1c)
praise-song (as title); 1d) praise (demanded by qualities or deeds or
attributes of God); 1e) renown, fame, *GLORY*; 1e1) of Damascus, God; 1e2)
object of praise, possessor of renown (fig);


So I used 1601 hrs - immense = innumerable / 0712 hours - Gloria song =
glory hymn as both corresponding to a time check as instances to
substantiate any spontaneous act.

***@zen: 1, row: 7, col: 3, nous: 49 [TIME: 16:00, SUPER: #331 / #49
- Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Birth Throes, Initial
Difficulties, Sprouting, Gathering support, Hoarding; Tetra: 4 - BARRIER
(HSIEN), EGO: #400 / #49 - Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 -
Birth Throes, Initial Difficulties, Sprouting, Gathering support, Hoarding;
Tetra: 4 - BARRIER (HSIEN)]

"The sage has no mind of his own.
He is aware of the need of others.

I am good to people who are good.
I am also good to people who are not good.
Because Virtue is goodness.
I have faith in people who are faithful.
I also have faith in people who are not faithful.
Because Virtue is faithfulness.” [Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 49]

And in the other instance chose a song to include beforehand in our
conversation so as to emphasise an action (ie. done yesterday on Facebook)
and then was moved to spontaneously respond @ 0712 hours to one of your
earlier posts and by such then paired my actions with the appraisals
paradigm as each conveying an equivalent category of understanding.

***@zen: 3, row: 3, col: 8, nous: 55 [TIME: 07:10, SUPER: #442 / #51
- Natural Guides and Nursing Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression
(exhaustion), Confining, Entangled; Tetra: 69 - EXHAUSTION (CH'IUNG),

"Therefore all things arise from Tao.
By Virtue they are nourished,
Developed, cared for,
Sheltered, comforted,
Grown, and protected.
Creating without claiming,
Doing without taking credit,
Guiding without interfering,
This is Primal Virtue.” [Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 51]

EGO: #393 / #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Elegance,
Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - UNITY (K'UN)]

"He has not experienced the union of man and woman, but is whole.
His manhood is strong.
He screams all day without becoming hoarse.
This is perfect harmony.” [Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 55]

In one sense it is a human attribute but in another instance it is a
transcendence that few can naturally attain to."

AYE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0554 HOURS ON 25 NOVEMBER 2021: "So, the time
check substantiated your spontaneous act, which said spontaneous act was to
make a statement after having made said statement being iterated was
reiterated by the magic square uncarved block..."

DOLF @ 1151 HOURS ON 25 NOVEMBER 2021: "You said:

"Whether that Dao is the same Dao as found in the Dao De Jing (DDJ) could
be a wonder.”

So I demonstrated that it was the same Dao.


#416 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* as [#1, #200, #5, #2, #8, #200] = asebḗs
(G765): {UMBRA: #416 % #41 = #6} 1) *DESTITUTE* *OF* *REVERENTIAL* *AWE*
*TOWARDS* *GOD*, condemning God, impious;

And now you’re quibbling over editorial license and fail to recognise the

Overnight I got permission to utilise a specific DAO TE CHING
interpretation and so I've now added it to my DAILY view."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0024 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "Where did you
get permission from? Who or what gave you permission?"

DOLF @ 0634 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "The person who did the translation
of the Dao Te Ching I utilised within this chapter gave me permission to
use it so yesterday I added the concept as integral component."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0024 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "Is your DAILY
view what you get when you consult your magic square?

If so, do you get the same result during the course of the same day at
different times during that day?

Or, does the DAILY view change throughout the day based on the time when
you consult the magic square, if you do?"

DOLF @ 0634 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "You can derive a view either by day
or by time of day. The inclusion of the Dao Te Ching ought to improve

For several years I have been able to spontaneously cohere categories of
understanding within the appraisal paradigm which was apparent from doing a
time check."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0024 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "I have no idea
what your daily practice of the dao is nor what the phrase means in
particular specifically nor what you have faith in. Is your faith, faith in
the square? Faith in Abraham's God or faith in a different dao than
Daojia's one or many Dao? Is it faith in your own Dao?"

DOLF @ 0931 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "Do you even need to know what my
daily practice of the dao is?

Biblical exegesis as perennial tradition is inherently neo-platonic and I
convey by a syncretic progression an alternative which has its roots within
a oriental perennial tradition—such a claim is a shocking reality."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0024 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "Do you consult
your magic square to confirm your thinking or speaking, making statements
and then, see, similar to looking in a mirror to view what you said is
true, based on a result given you from the square?

DOLF @ 0931 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "To answer the question: yes.

But one ought to consider that I devised the magic square paradigm as
gnosis ex machina {ie. the ARBITRATORS / FACILITATORS to #492 - VOLUNTARY
FREE WILL are entry points to the UNCARVED BLOCK: #3, #8, #11, #16, #40,
#43, #48, #51, #56, #71, #74, #79} to be able to model thinking."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0024 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "Is that your
daily practice to increase your faith and unity apperception?"

DOLF @ 0931 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "It’s like a compass by which one
might chart a course to journey."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1102 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "So, Jane English
gave you permission.

Looks as if you've got the entire version she used over time working with
Gia Fu Feng and their editor.

After Gia-fu shed his skin she made some changes to their original.

Getting permission from her is great."

DOLF @ 1231 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "Yes I was so very pleased to get
such a kind and quick bestowal of permission. So pleased in fact that I
immediately within 24 hours of permission being granted implemented my
concept as an integral component.

That means one can deploy it by a grappleConceptKnow() action with the
z,r,c coordinates to the uncarved block to then know which sous, nous as
Dao is relevant.

And the grappleConcept() action initialises the table with the correct
inherent data and writes it to screen.

Given the Dao {} module is about 48kb as prototype example it is a very
effective way to deliver a book or newspaper."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1119 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "There are many
types of Biblical exegesis.


<< critical explanation or interpretation of a text >>

To pick a verse out of a chapter out of a book in the library of books
called, the Bible, people do.

Some might use a neo-platonic paradigm.


Some may choose a New Age paradigm.

People use the Bible to prove topics used in their sermons or politics or
everyday speech and if they could do an exegesis, they would unless they
don't, which is also possible.

A favourite of mine is Philippians 2:5-6 ...

"In your relationships with one another, {@1: Sup: 65 - INNER: NEI (#65);
Ego: 28 - CHANGE: KENG (#28)}

have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: {@2: Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#98);
Ego: 20 - ADVANCE: CHIN (#48)}

Who, {@3: Sup: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#101); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#49)}

being in very nature God, {@4: Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#134); Ego: 19 -

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own
advantage." {@5: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#178); Ego: 64 - SINKING: CH'EN

Translations vary a bit in a horse's mouth."

DOLF @ 1231 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "But none of them consider an ONTIC
epistemological grounding for the circumscribing {eg: #495 = @169 + @130 +
@196} of further language concepts.

The Egyptian 42 gods have a corresponding NOME as a geographic mapping
which now encompasses the whole known world.

The same thing ought to be possible with spheres of knowledge."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1119 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "To stay on
course, following Tao, for me is to simply go with the flow naturally. Be
as liquid water. No need to check to see if a stream of thought enters a

To be in the present as the present unfolds is a wonderful gift floating my

DOLF @ 1531 HOURS ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021: "It is also written that "THE HEART

    #224 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#4, #200, #20] /
[#4, #200, #500] / 
as [#4, #200, #20, #10, #6] / 
#231 - JUXTAPOSITION CONTROL as [#2, #5, #4,
#200, #500] / [#5, #2, #4, #200, #500] = derek (H1870): {UMBRA: #224 % #41
= #19} 1) way, road, distance, journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b)
journey; 1c) direction; 1d) manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life
(fig.); 1f) of moral character (fig.);

    #336 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* ON 27 NOVEMBER 2021 as [#6, #40, #80,
#200, #10] / [#40, #80, #200, #10, #6] / 
#298 as [#6, #2, #80, #200, #10]
/ [#2, #80, #200, #10, #6] = pᵉrîy (H6529): {UMBRA: #290 % #41 = #3} 1)
fruit; 1a) fruit, produce (of the ground); 1b) fruit, offspring, children,
progeny (of the womb); 1c) fruit (of actions) (fig.);

DOINGS." [Jeremiah 17:9-10; Proverbs 24:12; Romans 2:6]

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0257 HOURS ON 28 NOVEMBER 2021: "And your point

With Tao Chia, a point can be how there is no point that is the Point when
Chuang Tzu points to a tree.

The gnarly tree is a tree indeed. The honkless goose got cooked."

DOLF @ 0721 HOURS ON 28 NOVEMBER 2021: "You had said, “To stay on course,
following Tao, for me is to simply go with the flow naturally."

I then said that the heart is inherently wicked.

"Under Heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
All can know good as good only because there is evil." [Tao Te Ching - Lao
Tzu - chapter 2]

And also provided a biblical text having a resonance to the word
*WAY*-H1870 and *FRUIT*-H6529 (the later was used in my earlier biblical
text at the start of the chapter) as to convey a validation of myself and
an adverse judgement upon your claim."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0906 HOURS ON 28 NOVEMBER 2021: "Using the Bible
to show how Taoist Philosophy is not your particular Way can be interesting
to me.

As Taoism is seen by me, people are trusted to do the right thing when left
alone, without rules, laws, regulations, rites and rituals prescribing and
proscribing actions.

The heart is not deceitful above all things ... .

Taoism and Christianity are not the same religion, philosophy, etc., imo."

AYE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0939 HOURS ON 28 NOVEMBER 2021: "Probably dolf
doesn't care about what is or was historically as he creates his own
paradigm, with his own verification method of consulting the magic square
he uses, naturally.

Of the so-called Hundred Schools during the break-up of the Chou Empire
(249 BC), which ones saw xin, heart / mind, as being evil might be able to
be found.


<< Xunzi (third century BCE) was a Confucian philosopher, sometimes
reckoned as the third of the three great classical Confucians (after
Confucius and Mencius).

Famously, Mencius argued that the xing of human beings is good (shan 善), by
which he meant that all human beings have the capacity to become good, even
though, in reality, not all people are good, because they fail to exert
themselves sufficiently—or even take the obligation seriously.

In Xunzi, “Human Nature is Evil” is framed as an argument with Mencius (who
was probably long dead), and takes the view that the xing of human beings
is the very opposite of shan, namely e. The basic meaning of e is close to
“detestable” (as a transitive verb, wu 惡 means “to hate”) ... >>"

DOLF @ 0951 HOURS ON 28 NOVEMBER 2021: "I did by resonance with the
APPRAISAL PARADIGM then show that they were entirely compatible (trinomial
/ ternary v's binomial / binary {@1, @5}):

THE JADE EMPEROR (Chinese: 玉皇; pinyin: Yù Huáng or 玉帝, Yù Dì) in Chinese
culture, traditional religions and myth is one of the representations of
the first god (太帝 tài dì). In Daoist theology he is the assistant of
Yuanshi Tianzun, who is one of the Three Pure Ones, the three primordial
{ie. HEBREW: ALEPH - U(SHIN) - MEM / #451 - Y-M-T-A} emanations of the TAO.

ALEPH: Yuanshi Tianzun (Chinese: 元始天尊; pinyin: Yuánshǐ Tiānzūn, "Lord of
Primordial Beginning") is also known as the "Jade Pure One" (Chinese: 玉清;
pinyin: Yùqīng) or "Honoured Lord of the Origin".

SHIN (JESUS OF NAZARETH): Lingbao Tianzun (靈寶天尊, "Lord of the Numinous
Treasure") is also known as the "Supreme Pure One" (Chinese: 上 清; pinyin:
Shàngqīng) or "The Universally Honoured One of Divinities and Treasures".

MEM: Daode Tianzun (道德天尊, "Lord of the Way and its Virtue" or "Honoured
Lord of the Tao and the Virtue"), also known as the "Grand Pure One"
(Chinese: 太清; pinyin: Tàiqīng) or the "Highest Elder Lord" (太上老君, Taishang

It is believed that Daode Tianzun manifested himself in the form of Lao
Tzu. Daode Tianzun is also the treasurer of spirits, known as the Lord of
Man who is the founder of Taoism.

SPIRIT AND TRUTH.” [John 4:23–24]

The Jade Emperor is known by many names, including Heavenly Grandfather
(天公, Tiān Gōng), which originally meant "Heavenly Duke", which is used by
commoners; the Jade Lord; the Highest Emperor; Great Emperor of Jade (玉皇上帝,
Yu Huang Shangdi or 玉 皇大帝, Yu Huang Dadi)."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 2357 HOURS ON 28 NOVEMBER 2021: "Although people
may say Jesus is the Tao, and the Son of God, and rose from being dead,
according to a script or a plot hatched prior to when the foundations of
the world were set in motion, predestination and such knots were tied it
reminds me more of Hinduism than a type of Taoist Philosophy.

I might call your paradigm, dolf's paradigm.

It's a magic-square verification of apperception to evoke unity time and
time again each time checked and to be convinced it works. To increase

DOLF @ 0804 HOURS ON 29 NOVEMBER 2021: "It seems that you have lost
direction and your goose is cooked ...

The DAO TE CHING for today is #47 - Ignorant Guides, Viewing the Distant:

“The farther you go, the less you know.

Thus the sage knows without travelling;
He sees without looking;
He works without doing.” [Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 47]

And then you went on verbose tangents in an attempt to conceal that fact."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 1208 HOURS ON 30 NOVEMBER 2021: "How is it
possible to act against the Dao?

I don't know what you are referring to."

DOLF @ 1224 HOURS ON 1 DECEMBER 2021: "The spoken Dao is not the Dao, so I
don’t know why you use so many words…


    #373 as [#30, #70, #3, #70, #200] = lógos (G3056): {UMBRA: #373 % #41 =
#4} 1) of speech; 1a) a *WORD*, uttered by a living voice, embodies a
conception or idea; 1b) what someone has said; 1b1) a word; 1b2) the
sayings of God; 1b3) decree, mandate or order; 1b4) of the moral precepts
given by God; 1b5) Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets; 1b6) what
is declared, a thought, declaration, aphorism, a weighty saying, a dictum,
a maxim; 1c) discourse; 1c1) the act of speaking, speech; 1c2) the faculty
of speech, skill and practice in speaking; 1c3) a kind or style of
speaking; 1c4) a continuous speaking discourse - instruction; 1d) doctrine,
teaching; 1e) anything reported in speech; a narration, narrative; 1f)
matter under discussion, thing spoken of, affair, a matter in dispute,
case, suit at law; 1g) the thing spoken of or talked about; event, deed; 2)
*ITS* *USE* *AS* *RESPECT* *TO* *THE* *MIND* *ALONE*; 2a) reason, the
mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating; 2b)
account, i.e. regard, consideration; 2c) account, i.e. reckoning, score;
2d) account, i.e. answer or explanation in reference to judgment; 2e)
relation, i.e. with whom as judge we stand in relation; 2e1) reason would;
2f) reason, cause, ground; 3) In John, denotes the essential Word of God,
Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, his minister
in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world's
life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man's
salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah, the
second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words
and deeds.;

    #316 as [#8, #6, #300, #2] / [#8, #300, #2, #6] / 
    #365 as [#5, #8,
#300, #2, #10, #600] / 
#310 as [#8, #300, #2] = châshab (H2803): {UMBRA:
#310 % #41 = #23} 1) to think, plan, esteem, calculate, invent, make a
judgment, imagine, count; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to think, account; 1a2) to plan,
devise, mean; 1a3) to charge, impute, reckon; 1a4) to esteem, value,
regard; 1a5) to invent; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be accounted, be thought, be
esteemed; 1b2) to be computed, be reckoned; 1b3) to be imputed; 1c) (Piel);
1c1) to think upon, consider, be mindful of; 1c2) *TO* *THINK* *TO* *DO*,
*DEVISE*, *PLAN*; 1c3) to count, reckon; 1d) (Hithpael) to be considered;
Try number instead…

The suggestion given of the name DAO TE CHING conveys the changes necessary
to obtain the virtue (TE) of DAO."

ONE <***@APOLKA.SIGN> @ 0014 HOURS ON 2 DECEMBER 2021: "I have no idea
what you're referring to.

Mixing and matching Romanizations occurs.

To obtain the De of Dao, or Teh of Tao, may suggest some body or individual
has lost Tao.

A virtue of being in the Zone is to experience wonder.
One may wonder, how does one arrive in, stay in, know
and be in the Zone and if such a state is possible forever.

How long is eternity.
How long does the present last.

Now is the time at all times now is.
A great gift, the present, unfolds.

To be an eternal, an immortal, with Tao Chia, is possible.
To not identify with mortality seeing as how duality suggests,
when mortality exists, not-mortality also exists. TTC 2 articulates.

Beyond being either/or
Prior to nonbeing both/and
Not-two, not-one, not any thing
Neither a non-thing nor nothing

The above batch of #373 appear to be like a dictionary of a sort.

Forgetting about words might be a technique.

Thinking without words is possible and perhaps common when being
spontaneous, prior to words emerging, naturally."

DOLF @ 1244 HOURS ON 2 DECEMBER 2021: "I ought to confess that I had
written my “so many words” statement before then doing a time check and in
being satisfied then made sure it was posted without further delay @ 1224

    #241 as [#1, #40, #200] / 
        #259 as [#6, #2, #1, #40, #200, #10]
    #271 as [#30, #1, #40, #200] / [#10, #1, #40, #200, #500] /

    #276 as [#5, #1, #40, #10, #200, #500] = ʼâmar (H559): {UMBRA: #241 %
#41 = #36} 1) to say, speak, utter; 1a) (Qal) to say, to answer, to say in
one's heart, *TO* *THINK*, *TO* *COMMAND*, *TO* *PROMISE*, *TO* *INTEND*;
1b) (Niphal) to be told, to be said, to be called; 1c) (Hithpael) to boast,
to act proudly; 1d) (Hiphil) to avow, to avouch;
DOLF @ 0819 HOURS ON 3 DECEMBER 2021: "This chapter now includes five
instances of temporal cohesion as time check ideas.

That the spoken word ought as integrity then follow a circular / elliptical
path: by that I mean if it runs long enough then it ought to cohere along
an equivalent head to tail path.

The DAO is metaphysical and therefore before / alongside / outside time."



Initial Post: 23 November 2021
YOUTUBE: "The Meerkat Circus"

NUMBER) as universal of right and wrong...} *THE* *ORTHODOX* *AND* *ROMAN*
*CATHOLIC* *CHURCH'S* *CLAIM* {#390 as 1, #100, #80, #1, #3, #5, #200 as
harpax (G727): {#11 as #242} 1) rapacious, ravenous; 2) a extortioner, a

Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May,
2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an
Application for Planning Permit



Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
(translation published within English as first European language in 1993),
first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie.
Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven
visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis
[James 3:6] as HYPOSTASIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
= #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to
extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS

That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[T] as

<http://www.grapple369.com/Grumble.zip> (Download resources)

After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean
Text-Drivers R Killers
2021-12-06 23:02:20 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-01-10 22:54:31 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-01-10 22:54:32 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-01-25 22:00:55 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.
Text-Drivers R Killers
2022-01-25 22:00:55 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the vaccinated.
Bullshit it does with the indian and RSA and Brazilian variants that matter
Post by Byker
Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto "typhoid Marys"
who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the latest "variant."
More mindless pig ignorant bullshit.
If a weak stupid old fool like Trump can survive COVID, anybody can.

Better to get it than take an experimental vaccine that will spread the
virus, make you sterile and half the time set you to go crazy with your AR 15
out front of a Trump rally, I guess.

2021-08-02 02:44:13 UTC
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.

Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-02 03:59:58 UTC
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’

Rod Speed
2021-08-02 05:13:18 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...

Cant explain Brazil and India.
Orni Thopter
2021-08-02 05:17:22 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
Stuart Bramhall is a kook and also not an epidemiologist. Ignore.
Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-02 05:22:16 UTC
Post by Orni Thopter
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
Stuart Bramhall is a kook and also not an epidemiologist. Ignore.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-02 05:22:59 UTC
On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 15:13:18 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some nobel prize winner claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2021-08-02 21:34:52 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
What came first, the vaccine or the Delta variant?
Siri Cruise
2021-08-02 22:47:19 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Rod Speed
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
What came first, the vaccine or the Delta variant?
Who knows? The mutation had to be present before it could be
selected against by the vaccine. Variations occur before they can
be selected or whether they will be selected.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
Discordia: not just a religion but also a parody. This post / \
I am an Andrea Doria sockpuppet. insults Islam. Mohammed
Rod Speed
2021-08-03 02:27:28 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
What came first, the vaccine or the Delta variant?
Mindlessly superficial. What matters is that fuck all of those
in India were vaccinated when the Delta variant showed up.
2021-08-03 05:03:28 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.

Just proves you can have a Nobel prize and STILL be
an idiot.

I'll have to check, was this guys prize for poetry or
something ? :-)

Darwin rules. India and S.A. have large packed-in
populations. ANY spreading advantage and it becomes

In the western world, Delta IS causing massive
infections - and in some places hospitalizations.
A very expensive variant. Still most of the
afflicted ARE anti-vaxxers ... and at this point,
well, they kinda get what they deserve.

Trump didn't do Warp Speed for nothing, and certainly
not just for 'socialists'. GET the goddamned vax - and
a booster as soon as possible. Several decent countries
are already set to offer boosters. Can increase your
resistance up to TEN TIMES.

Meanwhile, Australia has gone full gulag - having
been totally slack on the vax. At some point there
is going to be a general insurrection - and some
home-made guillotines ....

Oz is TOO LATE, TOO far behind the vax curve. Delta
is the total undoing of its gulag strategy. It has
already surpassed 'critical mass' infection levels.
Delta is going to sweep the unvaccinated populace.
Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-03 06:56:48 UTC
Post by Mainspring
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.
If you'd read the article above you would know that the variants in
question started AFTER the clinical trials of the vaccine.

Post by Mainspring
Just proves you can have a Nobel prize and STILL be
an idiot.
Just proves you are a raging idiot, but I will nominate you for the
Nobel prize for Leftwing Looniness 2021.
Post by Mainspring
I'll have to check, was this guys prize for poetry or
something ? :-)
Something that you have no knowledge of .
Rod Speed
2021-08-03 10:08:42 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.
If you'd read the article above you would know that the variants
in question started AFTER the clinical trials of the vaccine.
But the bad variants didn’t show up where the clinical trials were done.
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-03 10:09:36 UTC
On Tue, 3 Aug 2021 20:08:42 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.
If you'd read the article above you would know that the variants
in question started AFTER the clinical trials of the vaccine.
But the bad variants didn’t show up where the clinical trials were done.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Rod Speed
2021-08-03 11:17:03 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.
If you'd read the article above you would know that the variants
in question started AFTER the clinical trials of the vaccine.
But the bad variants didn’t show up where the clinical trials were done.
The clinical trials were not done in the RSA, Brazil or India.
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-03 20:51:18 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
On Tue, 3 Aug 2021 20:08:42 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.
If you'd read the article above you would know that the variants
in question started AFTER the clinical trials of the vaccine.
But the bad variants didn’t show up where the clinical trials were done.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Interpretation ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile
and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic
COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials.
Rod Speed
2021-08-03 06:57:46 UTC
Post by Mainspring
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Just because some fool claims something...
Cant explain Brazil and India.
That's my point ..NEITHER place had vaccine fer shit,
yet that's where the two most toxic variants came from.
Just proves you can have a Nobel prize and STILL be an idiot.
I'll have to check, was this guys prize for poetry or
something ? :-)
For discovering the HIV virus. Doesn’t mean
he got that other stupid claim right tho.
Post by Mainspring
Darwin rules. India and S.A. have large packed-in populations. ANY
spreading advantage and it becomes super-amplified.
In the western world, Delta IS causing massive
infections - and in some places hospitalizations.
A very expensive variant. Still most of the
afflicted ARE anti-vaxxers ... and at this point,
well, they kinda get what they deserve.
Trump didn't do Warp Speed for nothing, and certainly
not just for 'socialists'. GET the goddamned vax - and
a booster as soon as possible. Several decent countries
are already set to offer boosters. Can increase your
resistance up to TEN TIMES.
Meanwhile, Australia has gone full gulag
Nope, not even Greater Sydney.
Post by Mainspring
- having been totally slack on the vax.
That’s wrong too. They picked the wrong vaccine
which has real downsides and haven't got enough
of the best vaccines yet.
Post by Mainspring
At some point there is going to be a general insurrection - and some
home-made guillotines ....
Nope. We stamped out the second attempt at
a big protest in Sydney very effectively indeed.
Post by Mainspring
Oz is TOO LATE, TOO far behind the vax curve.
But has still got a vastly better result than the
USA or the UK have got, essentially because
we shut down the borders much more effectively
than they did and still have that now.
Post by Mainspring
Delta is the total undoing of its gulag strategy.
Nope, the problem is that Sydney was locked down much
too late and with other terminal stupiditys like leaving it
to individuals to decide if they were essential workers or
not. There isn't even a curfew like Melbourne had.
Post by Mainspring
It has already surpassed 'critical mass' infection levels.
Delta is going to sweep the unvaccinated populace.
Bet it doesn’t.
2021-08-03 04:50:40 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Ignore that crap.
Kurt Nicklas
2021-08-03 04:59:12 UTC
Post by Mainspring
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Ignore that crap.
2021-08-04 04:39:01 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Ignore that crap.
Ignore all that crap. Prize winners are often a bit 'teched.
Ultra-high IQ can have side-effects.

India and S.America had DICK in the way of vaccines, ergo
vaccines had DICK to do with the emergence of these nasty
new variants. We haven't seen any nasty new variants from
Israel or the UK, US or anyplace else where there were
aggressive and early vaccination programs. Reality trumps
the professional fearmongers and genocidalists.
Rod Speed
2021-08-04 04:55:44 UTC
Post by Mainspring
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Ignore that crap.
Ignore all that crap. Prize winners are often a bit 'teched.
Ultra-high IQ can have side-effects.
Turns out that claim of his is fake, he didn’t make it.
Post by Mainspring
India and S.America had DICK in the way of vaccines, ergo
vaccines had DICK to do with the emergence of these nasty
new variants. We haven't seen any nasty new variants from
Israel or the UK, US or anyplace else where there were
aggressive and early vaccination programs.
The Kent variant was in fact quite successful, just not particularly fatal.

No evidence that vaccination had anything to do with it tho.
Post by Mainspring
Reality trumps the professional fearmongers and genocidalists.
2021-08-04 06:31:36 UTC
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Kurt Nicklas
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
   Ignore that crap.
  Ignore all that crap. Prize winners are often a bit 'teched.
  Ultra-high IQ can have side-effects.
  India and S.America had DICK in the way of vaccines, ergo
  vaccines had DICK to do with the emergence of these nasty
  new variants. We haven't seen any nasty new variants from
  Israel or the UK, US or anyplace else where there were
  aggressive and early vaccination programs.
The Alpha variant came out of the UK and at the time it was a worry.

India is also doing reasonably well with their vaccination program. They
started mass vaccination a month after the USA but have put over 100
million more doses into arms than the US has according to 'Our world of

US mass vaccination start date: 14 December 2020
India: 16 January 2021.

Doses administered (according to "Our World of data")
US 347 Million
India 472 Million.
2021-08-04 19:33:48 UTC
Post by Fran
India is also doing reasonably well with their vaccination program. They
started mass vaccination a month after the USA but have put over 100
million more doses into arms than the US has according to 'Our world of
In Hindooland they're dying like flies.

Death toll so far? About 4-5 million:



A. Filip
2021-08-02 06:25:39 UTC
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
"Two most relevant variants" are fitted *very* well for vaccinated
countries, don't they? Vaccination created different virus habitat.
We must assume that Covid-19 *CAN* survive in it.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

My impressions about current vaccine sales pitch:
+ covid-19 vaccines offer *better* protection especially against
hospitalisation/death [lowered protection level in sales pitch]
+ covid-19 vaccines would be "time limited measure"
with re-immunisation required every year (six months?)

IMHO it looks that "new flu" scenario is quite likely with
new variants and new vaccines yearly. It seems that vaccines
can not stop covid-19, they can "merely" make it like
the worst flu of two decades.
A. Filip : Big Tech Brother is watching you.
| You don't have to wait--you can have it in 5.004_54 or so. :-)
| (Larry Wall in <***@wall.org>)
A. Filip
2021-08-02 06:31:40 UTC
Post by A. Filip
Post by Mainspring
There was essentially zero vaccine in India and
S.America - yet that's where the two most relevant
variants came from.
Viruses are simply unstable. They have no self-repair
mechanisms. Mutations appear constantly. As per Darwin,
if a mutation can spread faster it rapidly becomes
dominant. 999 other mutations likely also appear, but
if they can't compete they are rapidly buried.
"Two most relevant variants" are fitted *very* well for vaccinated
countries, don't they? Vaccination created different virus habitat.
We must assume that Covid-19 *CAN* survive in it.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
+ covid-19 vaccines offer *better* protection especially against
hospitalisation/death [lowered protection level in sales pitch]
+ covid-19 vaccines would be "time limited measure"
with re-immunisation required every year (six months?)
IMHO it looks that "new flu" scenario is quite likely with
new variants and new vaccines yearly. It seems that vaccines
can not stop covid-19, they can "merely" make it like
the worst flu of two decades.
BTW Covid-19 passports prefer faster international spread of more
vaccine resistant variants. It may be good idea anyway *BUT BE AWARE* .
A. Filip : Big Tech Brother is watching you.
| Dijkstra probably hates me. (Linus Torvalds, in kernel/sched.c)
2021-08-02 21:35:08 UTC
IMHO it looks that "new flu" scenario is quite likely with new variants
and new vaccines yearly.
Try every five or six months, along with all the required "boosters".

Historically, most epidemics run their course and burn out within six months
to a year. The Kung Flu, like the Energizer bunny, just keeps going and
going and going...
Rod Speed
2021-08-03 02:31:57 UTC
Post by Byker
IMHO it looks that "new flu" scenario is quite likely with new variants
and new vaccines yearly.
Try every five or six months, along with all the required "boosters".
Historically, most epidemics run their course and burn out within six
months to a year.
Mindless pig ignorant bullshit with all of smallpox, the bubonic plague,
measles, whooping cough, the spanish flu, ebola, HIV/AIDS etc etc etc.
Post by Byker
The Kung Flu, like the Energizer bunny, just keeps going and going and
So did all of smallpox, the bubonic plague, polio, measles,
whooping cough, the spanish flu, ebola, HIV/AIDS etc etc
etc until we stomped on most of them with a viable vaccine.
2021-08-03 16:20:03 UTC
Post by Byker
It's interesting that each new variant first appears among the
vaccinated. Looks like those who took the shot are becoming de facto
"typhoid Marys" who are asymptomatic but fully capable of spreading the
latest "variant."
um, the Alpha variant appeared in an "immunocompromised individual". So
that prompted right-wing bigots to claim it was due to faggots with AIDS.
They hit out at anybody they don't like.
Did they "hit out" at cancer patients undergoing chemo?